Polish-German-Work Group

The forerunner of the international work group has been the polish-german-work group, founded in 2010 by members of the Poznan and of the Berlin-Brandenburg-work groups.

The work group-leaders until 2014 had been very succesful Silke Lehmann (Berlin) and  Gosia Podskarbi (Poznan).

2014-04: Session in Lübben, Spreewald, Germany


German - Polish work group in full swing

On the 11th and 12 april 2014 16 Controllers from the regions of Greater Poland (Poznan ), East Poland ( Lublin ) and Berlin-Brandenburg met in Lübbenau in the Spreewald to learn to know more about the subject BigData and evaluate potencial  applications for the controller.

Three preparation groups , always mixed with controllers from Poland and Germany have met before in Poznan and Berlin to prepare the topics and to present at the meeting:


  1. What is BigData and what is different to Business Intelligence ?
  2. From BigData to one-page -only
  3. How can companies challenge BigData -
    Risks / opportunities for controllers and the society

The presentations and discussions were for the first time all held only in English. For some strange - but everyone got used to it ( and if necessary a colleague helped with a missing word!)

After the presentation we went into working teams, only interrupted by a spring-like boat ride on the Spreewald-channels.

In the evening there were of course a lot of opportunities to learn from each other, to meet and exchange ideas ; overall a successful working group session.

The next meeting of the work group will take place on June 05th and 6th, 2015 and then in october 2015.


2011-11: Session in Falkenberg near Frankfurt/Oder, Germany

I am sorry, in german:

2. Tagung der Deutsch-Polnischen Arbeitsgruppe:

Thema „Controllingprozess“

Am 5.-6.11.2011 in Falkenberg / Brandenburg, Hotel am Gabelsee

Die vorbereiteten Präsentationen des Vorbereitungsteams:

  • 1. Überblick über das Controlling-Prozessmodell der IGC
    Dr. Walter Schmidt, ask (Berlin), Bärbel Kuhn, Alba Management GmbH (Berlin)
  • 2. Funktions-Controlling
    Malgorzata.Podskarbi, VW (Poznan), Maria Sienkiewicz, VW (Poznan), Jakub Tomaszewski, VW (Poznan)
  • 3. Projekt- und Investitions-Controlling
    Harald Pick, Wall AG (Berlin), Silke Lehmann, BCIA GmbH (Berlin)
  • 4. Management-Reporting
    Agata Blumczyñska, VW (Poznan), Marian Kubiak, VW (Poznan), Mikolaj Demby, VW (Poznan)


Unsere Arbeitsergebnisse

Das Vorbereitungsteam:

Die Teilnehmer des Vorbereitungstreffens bei VW in Poznan (Posen) am 19.3.2011
Von links nach rechts Małgorzata Podskarbi, Dr. Walter Schmidt, Maria Sienkiewicz, Mikolaj Demby, Agata Blumczyñska, Harald Pick, (Silke Lehmann fotografiert)

Und hier geht’s zur ICV Internetseite unserer polnischen Kollegen

1. Deutsch-Polnische Tagung / 46. AK-Tagung Berlin-Brandenburg

Bei den folgenden Kurzfilmen könnt ihr miterleben, wie erfrischend und interessant sich die Zusammenarbeit gestaltet hat.

Das 1. Vorbereitungstreffen in Poznan, Polen

Beim Gegenbesuch zum 2. Vorbereitungstreffen in Berlin

und die Tagung des deutsch-polnischen Teams in Lagow, Polen.

Zu Finden auch beim Controller-TV.

2010-04: sessions of both ICV-work groups Poznan and Berlin-Brandenburg on Lagow castle

in German:

AK-Sitzung am 22./ 23.04.2010 auf Burg Lagow

"Aufbau eines nachhaltig wirkenden Controllings"


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