Experience 2016
LUG Light Factory, Zielona Góra
LUG, our Target Company in 2016
In 2016 we had another very interesting partner: LUG Light Factory, a leading manufacturer of professional luminaires and lighting systems which are characterised by high technical parameters, energy-efficiency and state-of-the art design on the international level - see more at http://www.luglightfactory.com/en/company/profil-firmy. LUG Light Factory is based in Zielona Góra, western Poland.
Get-to-know-meeting (june 2016)
The LUG-management has discussed with us in June 2016 the topics and then we started our work, together with them! Here you can see a film about our "get-to-know-meeting" in June:
Get to Know Meeting

International work group meets at LUG in Zielona Góra
The international work group, consisting of 16 controller and consultants, all members of the IAC (ICV) meets every year to work for a „target company“. The tendering this year won a company from Zielona Góra, Poland: LUG, producing light systems and exporting these really very innovative products all over the world.
On june 2nd all work group arrived from Slovenia, Croatia, Russia, Germany and Poland at the hotel: a warmhearted reunion with lots of kisses, hugs and hellos...
Next morning three buses from LUG brought us to LUG, a family owned company. A group of 11 managers including three family members welcomed the IAC work group and held a tour with us around the exhbition as well the production hall. Also we visited the new factory some kilometers away where the R&D-department is realising new light products.
In the afternoon both groups, LUG-managers as IAC-members started to work on four subjects:
1. Integration of customers needs
2. market design for 2020
3. motivational system
4. New organisation with better information / controlling
A guided walk in the city of Zielona Góra with a great evening-dinner in the cellars of the town-hall ended this interesting day – quite late.
The next day the four teams continued to work on their subjects and – in the afternoon – presented their first results. With lots of sun in our hearts and in the air we left Zielona Góra; the next work group meeting will be in september in Berlin.
Thanks to the LUG-Management for this two interesting days. We have passed two very interesting days in Zielona Góra and will meet again in september 17th in Berlin.
Exchange Meeting in Berlin (september 2016)
On sept. 17th we met in Berlin: the whole IAC-international work group - only two of us have been missing - and all LUG-members of the four teams. After half a day discussing face to face in the teams, all team-leaders presented their actual results.
For getting also new ideas we changed all team-members, so we hope to get new and different views on all discussed items. The final work - after I am sure many Skype-meetings - will be presented at the end of october in Zielona Góra.
Results-meeting (October 2016)
In the middle of September we had an "exchange-meeting" in Berlin with all participants, employees from LUG and nearly all members of the IAC international work group. All 4 teams have been mixed to check the results of the "old teams" and to bring in new ideas.
Then, oct. 28th we met again in Zielona Góra. After half a day of team-work the (new) teams presented their results: not all but the 3 most important ideas, suggestions. The following video gives you an idea of these two great days we enjoyed - being together, working hard and having during lunch and the fine evening dinner intense talks...