The International Association of Controlles in annual reviews
Annual review 2024
In the challenging year 2024, the ‘pace’ of access to controlling excellence has been further increased
- 11.01.: Presentation of the results from cooperation of ICV WG Westfalen & HS Osnabrück
- 11.01.: AK Südbayern Online-Impulse Green Controlling
- 18.01.: ICV Live Webinar „Outlook for 2024“ with Jannik Stegman and Dr. Klaus Wohlrabe
- 19.01.: Winter get-together of the WG Berlin-Brandenburg
- 22.01.: AK Region München: Online to „ESG“
- 23.01.: ICV Live Webinar „Risk Management“ with Prof. Dr. Werner Gleißner
- 23.01.: Regulars' tables of the WG Ostbayern + WG Spain (online)
- 25.01.: Regulars' tables WG Bodensee/Allgäu + WG Franken
- 30.01.: Start of the year WG Vorarlberg
- 30.01.: Meeting of the Expert Work Group Agile Controlling, online in a barcamp format
- 01.02.: Final presentation in co-operation of the ICV WG Westfalen & TH Westfalen-Lippe
- 09.02.: „Lunch & Learn“ WG Region München with Unternehmerloge e.V.
- 15.02.: Online introduction workshop „Power BI“ of the WG Vorarlberg
- 15. - 16.02.: Meeting of the WG Weser-Harz
- 16.02.: Expert Work Group Analytics & Controlling launches certification programme lasting several months with special conditions for ICV members
- 17.02.: „Walk & Talk“ WG Berlin-Brandenburg
- 22.02.: WG Südbayern starts online format „Breakfast impulse“
- 22.02.: Online meeting of the Expert Work Group Compliance Management & Controlling
- 22.02.: WG Berlin-Brandenburg: Hands on workshop on the project „ReComTrans“
- 23.02.: Online Expert Talk of the Expert Work Group Analytics & Controlling
- 23.02.: Online meeting of the Expert Work Group Green Controlling for Responsible Business
- 26.02.: Online meeting of the Expert Work Group Digital Controlling Competence
- 27.02.: Meeting of the management WG Region Süd in Würzburg
- 27.02.: ICV Live Webinar English with Peter Dolec „Synergies in Change”
- 29.02.: 1st Treffen (online) of the new Expert Work Group HR Controlling, lead by Malgorzata Podskarbi, Dr. Jörg Thienemann, Christian Bramkamp
- 01.03.: Spring conference WG Nord Elbe-Weser
- 01.03.: Online Expert Talk Expert Work Group Analytics & Controlling
- 05.03.: ICV Live Webinar „Data-driven decisions“ with Thomas Gorr
- 05.03.: Meeting of the WG Vorarlberg
- 07.03.: Meeting of the WG Region München
- 08. 03.: Expert Talk Expert WG Analytics & Controlling
- 08. 03.: ICV Live Webinar „Inflation threatens our retirement provision“ with Constanze Hitze
- 08.03.: 41. Workshop of the WG Croatia I
- 12. 03.: „Lunch & Learn”
- 14. - 15.03.: 74. Meeting of the Work Group Rheinland
- 15.03.: 71st meeting of the WG Berlin-Brandenburg
- 15. 03.: ICV Live Webinar (English): „There is no digitization with improvisation” with Jasmina Ocko
- 19.03.: Meeting of the WG Ostbayern
- 19.03.: Online meeting of the Expert Work Group Digital Controlling Competence
- 20.03.: Expert Talk of the Expert Work Group Analytics & Controlling
- 20.03.: WG Berlin-Brandenburg: Final presentation of the research project ReComTrans
- 20.03.: Regulars' table of the WG Bodensee/Allgäu
- 21.03.: Meeting of the WG Silver Professionals CH & WG Zürich-Ostschweiz
- 26.03.: Online meeting of the Expert Work Group Company Valuation + Expert Work Group Agile Controlling
- The ICV Think Tank publishes in the ICV series: “Controlling in the age of New Work”.
- 09.04.: 2 Expert Talks of the Expert Work Group Analytics & Controlling
- 09.04.: „Lunch & Learn“
- 11.04.: ICV Live Webinar mit Alexander Hein und Pascal Speicher: „Controlling-Software im Vergleich“
- 11.04.: Online-Meeting FK Change Management & Finance
- 11. - 12.04.: 54. Forum FK Projekt-Controlling
- 12.04.: Relaunch of the WG Rhein-Neckar
- 12. - 13.04.: International Work Group: Get-to-know Workshop
- 15.04.: Online meeting of the Expert Work Group nextgen@planning
- 16.04.: Online meeting of the WG Rhein-Ruhr
- 17.04.: Expert Talk of the Expert Work Group Analytics & Controlling
- 18.04.: ICV Live Webinar about the ICV with Pia Burkarth, Timur Mansurov, Malgorzata Podskarbi, Carmen Zillmer
- 18. - 19.04.: Meeting of the Expert Work Group Green Controlling for Responsible Business
- 19. - 20.04.: Spring conference of the WG Thüringen with presenting the new Head of the WG, Christian von Obstfelder
- 22. - 23.04.: 18th Congress ICV POLAND
- 24.04.: Expert Talk of the Expert Work Group Analytics & Controlling
- 25.04.: Spring meeting of the WG Westfalen
- 25. - 26.04.: 74th meeting of the WG Nord Weser-Leine
- 28.04.: Meeting of the Expert Work Group Digital Controlling Competence
- 28.04.: ICV General Meeting with honors
- 29. - 30.04.: Successful 48th Congress of Controllers with more than 550 guests in Munich
- 29.04.: ICV Controlling Excellence Award 2024 to Bosch, also nominated: Vetter PharmaFertigung GmbH & Co. KG, Österreichische Post AG
- 30.04.: Péter Horvàth Green Controlling Award for TUI
- 07.05.: Executive Talk of the Expert Work Group Analytics & Controlling
- 07.05.: Online ICV Expert Work Group Event, Expert Work Group Digital Controlling Competence
- 07.05.: ICV Health Care Conference Switzerland 2024
- 07.05.: ICV Live Webinar on Artificial Intelligence with Gerhard Adamek
- 12.05.: Dr. Dr. h.c. Albrecht Deyhle’s 90th birthday
- 16.05.: Online kick-off meeting ICV Sector Work Group „Life Sciences”, headed by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Krings.
- 16. 05.: Controller get-together of the WG Bodensee/Allgäu
- 21.05.: Expert Talks of the Expert Work Group Analytics & Controlling
- 23.05.: Trial rowing session of the WG Silver Professionals CH on Lake Zurich
- 28.05.: Expert Talks of the Expert Work Group Analytics & Controlling
- 28.05.: Online meeting of the Expert Work Group Agile Controlling
- 29.05.: Online course of the Expert Work Group Analytics & Controlling
- 03. - 04.06.: Sector Work Group Energy + Water meets
- 04.06.: ICV Live Webinar „Controlling in the Age of New Work“ with Dr. Kim Dillenberger and Stefan Tobias
- 06.06.: Online ICV Expert Work Group Event of the Expert Work Group Change Management & Finance
- 06.06.: Topic evening of the WG Berlin Brandenburg
- 07.06.: 92nd meeting of the WG Südwest
- 10.06.: Meeting of the WG Franken
- 11.06.: Expert Talk of the Expert Work Group Analytics & Controlling
- 11.06.: „Lunch & Learn“
- 12.06.: Expert Talks of the Expert Work Group Analytics & Controlling
- 12.06.: Online meeting of the WG Ostbayern
- 14.06.: 11th Sino-German Controlling Forum in Suzhou
- 19.06.: Expert Work Group Analytics & Controlling: Expert Talk
- 20.06.: Online meeting of the Expert Work Group HR Controlling
- 21.06.: 33rd conference of the WG Heilbronn-Künzelsau
- 25.06.: Expert Talk of the Expert Work Group Analytics & Controlling
- 25.06.: Meeting of the WG Vorarlberg
- 26.06.: Meeting of the WG Region München
- 27.06.: ICV Live Webinar „HR planning“ with Lars Buchner and Alexis Bechzidis
- 27.06.: Online meeting of the WG Europaregion Tirol-Südtirol
- 27.06.: Controller get-together of the WG Ostbayern
- 28.06.: Online meeting of the Expert Work Group Green Controlling for Responsible Business
- The new ICV Head of Communication and Marketing is Rainer Pollmann
- 02.07.: ICV Live Webinar „CSRD“ with Katharina Vogel and Patrick Sievering
- 04.07.: Expert Work Group Analytics & Controlling: Expert Talk
- 04.07.: Summer get-together of the WG Rhein-Neckar
- 05.07.: Online Expert Talk „Sustainability Reporting - Best Practices“
- 05.07.: 42nd meetig of the WG Croatia I
- 09.07.: „Lunch & Learn“
- 12.07.: Expert Work Groups Analytics & Controlling: ICV Expert Talk
- 12.07.: 55th Forum of the Expert Work Group Project Controlling
- 16.07.: Meeting of the Expert Work Groups nextgen@planning
- 18.07.: Online meeting of the Expert Work Group HR Controlling
- 19.07.: Summer get-together of the WG Berlin-Brandenburg
- 25.07.: Regulars’ table of the WG Bodensee/Allgäu + WG Franken
- Dream Car Report of the Think Tank 2023/2024 "Controlling in the Age of New Work" available in English translation as PDF
- 13.08.: „Lunch & Learn“ with Markus Steiner
- 15.08.: Online meeting of the Expert Work Group HR Controlling
- 20.08.: Regulars’ table of the WG Bodensee/Allgäu
- 23.08.: WG Thüringen: Summer get-together
- Performance Manager Podcast publishes contribution to the International Work Group
- ICV gets new corporate design & logo
- 05.09.: ICV Live Webinar „Digital Controlling Tools“ with Alexander Hein and Pascal Speicher
- 10.09.: Meeting of the WG Hungary
- 11.09.: ICV Live Webinar „Sustainability“ with Prof. Dr. Werner Gleißner
- 19.09.: Meeting of the WG Slovenia
- 19.09.: Online meetig of the Expert Work Group HR Controlling
- 19.09.: Meeting of the WG Franken in metaverse
- 19. - 20.09.: 75th meeting of the WG Nord Weser-Leine
- 20.09.: Meeting of the Expert Work Groups Green Controlling for Responsible Business: „Sustainability at SAP”
- 24.09.: CTS 2024: Successful Controlling Conference Switzerland in Rotkreuz
- 24.09.: WG Salzburg-Oberösterreich organizes ICV Live Webinar „Sustainability dashboards“ with Dr. Christoph Eisl and Johannes Teufl
- 24.09.: Online meeting of the Expert Work Group Agile Controlling
- 26.09.: Successful ICV Forum Health Care Austria 2024
- 26. - 27.09.: Autumn conference of the WG Westfalen
- 26. - 27.09.: 48th conference of the WG Weser-Harz
- 28.09.: Exchange Workshop International Work Group
- White paper on operational corporate planning presented by Expert Work Group Green Controlling available in the ICV Online Shop
- 02.10.: ICV Live Webinar „AI in financial sector“ with Judith Leopold
- 08.10.: „Lunch & Learn“
- 10.10.: Online meeting of the WG Hungary
- 12.10.: ICV Management Conference in Warsaw
- 14.10.: ICV Live Webinar (engl.) „KPIs” with Dietmar Pascher
- 14.10.: Online meeting of the WG Region München
- 15.10.: Regulars’ table of the WG Bodensee/Allgäu
- 17.10.: Online meetings of Expert WG Analytics and Controlling + Expert WG HR Controlling
- 18.10.: Meetings of the WGs Südwest (93rd) + Heilbronn-Künzelsau (34th)
- 21.10.: Online meeting of the Expert WG nextgen@planning
- 24.10.: Online meeting of the Expert WG Digital Controlling Competence
- 24.10.: Network meeting of the WGs Südwest, München und Südbayern on "Controlling in Large Companies"
- 25.10: Meeting of the WG Rhein-Neckar
- 29.10.: ICV Live Webinar with Michael Kappes and Prof. Dr. Karsten Oehler
- The Think Tank Update (formerly Quarterly) of the ICV Think Tank No. 40 is online in German & as an English translation
- 06.11.: Webinar „Real-time controlling “ of the Expert Work Group Analytics & Controlling
- 06. 11.: Online regulars’ table of the WG Westfalen
- 07.11.: Expert Work Group Analytics & Controlling: Webinars „Generative AI“ and „SAC planning“
- 07. - 08.11.: 72nd conference of the WG Berlin Brandenburg
- 08.11.: Expert Talk of the Expert Work Group Analytics and Controlling
- 08. - 09.11.: Results Workshop of the International Work Group
- 11.11.: Webinar of the Expert Work Group Analytics & Controlling
- 12.11.: „Lunch & Learn“
- 12. - 14.11.: A great success: 4th CCS – Controlling Competence Spaces 2024
- 15.11.: 12th ICCC International Controlling Conference in Croatia
- 15.11.: Autumn Conference of the WG Nord Elbe-Weser
- 15. - 16.11.: 56th Forum of the Expert Work Group Project Controlling
- 20.11.: ICV Live Webinar: „AI as a controlling partner“ with Daniel Stahl and Ian Shulman
- 21.11.: Online meeting of the Expert Work Group HR Controlling
- 21.11.: Meeting of the WG Slovenia
- 21. - 22.11.: Meeting of the Expert Work Group Change Management & Finance
- 22.11.: CIS 2024: Successful 23rd Controlling Insights Steyr
- 22.11.: ICV Newcomer Award 2024 for: Annalena Beuchel (1), Anna-Lena Osterloh (2), Marcel Michalik & Felix Möller (3)
- 22.11.: Online meeting of the Expert Work Group Green Controlling for Responsible Business
- 22.11.: Meeting of the WG Thüringen and WG Zürich-Ostschweiz
- 27.11.: Meeting of the Expert Work Group Agile Controllling
- 28.11.: Webinar of the Expert WG Analytics & Controlling
- 29.11.: 43rd meeting of the WG Croatia I+
- 01.12.: WG Berlin-Brandenburg: Walk & Talk
- 03.12.: Meeting of the WG Rhein-Ruhr
- 05.12.: Expert Work Group Analytics & Controlling: ICV Expert Work Group Event „Live Demo: GenAI & Predictive Analytics”
- 06.12.: Expert Work Group Analytics & Controlling: ICV Expert Work Group (Online) Event
- 09.12.: Online meeting of the WG Ostbayern
- 10.12.: Meeting of the Sector WG Health Care CH
- 10.12.: Mulled wine meeting of the WG Berlin-Brandenburg
- 12.12.: Wg Bodensee/Allgäu: Christmas market + Controlling regulars’ table
- 19.12.: Online meeting of the Expert Work Group HR Controlling
Succession in the ICV volunteer office 2024 – Thank you for your commitment!
Regional Delegate Germany East Ost: Prof. Dr. Fares Getzin to Dieter Meyer; WG Rhein-Neckar: Marion Graefe & Sven Kraus to Dr. Jörg Thienemann; Expert WG Green Controlling: Prof. Dr. Mike Schulze to Dr. Marco Möhrer; Delegate for the Expert Work Groups: Christian Bramkamp terminated his activity; Expert WG Project Controlling: Ch. Bramkamp to Klaus Schopka; WG Rhein-Ruhr: Elisabeth Herrle to Alexander Großhäuser; WG Vorarlberg: Prof. Dr. Markus Ilg is no longer the leader; WG European Region Tirol: Dr. Lisa Perkhofer to Prof. Bernd Kirschner; WG Südbayern: Stephan Grunwald & Team to Leonis Petschmann; Sector WG Energy+Water: Theo Sörger to Gerald Stuer; Expert WG Corporate Management: Prof. Dr. Stefan Behringer to Prof. Dr. Robert Schmidt; Sector WG Health Care CH: Prof. Dr. Thomas Rautenstrauch to René Heule; WG Ulm: Viktor Mendel to Theo Sörger; Jury Head Newcomer Award: Prof. Dr. Christoph Binder to Prof. Dr. Nicole Jekel.
Download the German version of the annual review 2024
Annual review 2023
Continuity & future-oriented action: The ICV remains the safe bank for its members.
- 03.01.: Dieter Wascher, long-time Head og the WG West I, passes away at the age of 82.
- 13.01.: Master students from HS Osnabrück present semester papers to a jury in a cooperation project with the ICV. Thomas Meyer, Head of AK Westphalia, hands over the certificates.
- Performance Manager Podcast Interview on “Modern Budgeting” with ICV Chairman Prof. Dr. Heimo Losbichler.
- The Green Controlling Study 2022 prepared by the Expert Work Group “Green Controlling for Responsible Business” is online on the ICV website.
- 20.01.: Meeting of the WG Bodensee/Allgäu at Fendt in Marktoberdorf.
- 25.01.: DeepDive Expert Work Group Valuation. ESG & Company Valuation (virtual).
- 26.01.: New Year's get-together in Fürth bof the WG Franken.
- 27.01.: Winter get-together of the WG Berlin/Brandenburg
- 3.02.: WG Green Controlling for Responsible Business meets at DATEV, Nürnberg.
- 07.02.: 1st get-together 2023 of the WG Oberpfalz.
- 08.02.: 1st virtual get-together of the WG Westfalen.
- 22.02.: Eventos Círculo-Controller (online).
- Kyanusch Kay succeeds Bärbel Kuhn as Head of the WG Berlin-Brandenburg, who is passing on her voluntary work after more than 20 years.
- Dr. Andrea Stummer succeeds Dr. Olaf Leistert and Dr. Andreas Aschenbrücker as the new Head of the WG Stuttgart.
- René Winkler is the new Head of the Expert Work Group “Intelligent Automation”, formerly Expert Work Group RPA (Robotic Process Automation).
- 28.02.: ICV Live Webinar „Compliance & Controlling“.
- 28.02.: Meeting of the Expert Work Group Agile Controlling (online)
- In the WG Region Munich, Pia Burkarth is in charge as Prof. Dr. Uwe Seidel resigned after 20 years.
- 01.03.: Working session of the Expert Work Group Valuation (online).
- 02.03.: An ICV live webinar covers the basics of sustainable corporate management.
- 03. - 04 03.: Spring conference of the WG Thüringen in Magdeburg.
- 16.03.: In Frankfurt/M. the “Controlling & Performance Management Dialogue”, ICV partner event.
- 21.03.: Eventos Círculo Controller (online).
- 22. 03.: WG Stuttgart’s spring meeting.
- 23.03.: ICV Live Webinar on “ESG, Company Valuation & Controlling”.
- 23.03.: WG Oberpfalz meets at Völkl Sports GmbH in Straubing, “Sustainability in Controlling”.
- 23. - 24.03.: 72nd meeting of the WG Nord III at MTU Maintenance GmbH, Hanover-Langenhagen.
- 23. - 24.03.: Meeting of the WG Berlin/Brandenburg, Gut Sarnow.
- 24. - 25.03.: 51st Project Controlling Forum in Stuttgart with a look behind the scenes at the major construction site at Stuttgart Central Station.
- 28.03.: ICV Live Webinar on “Benefits of Sustainable Business Management”.
- 28.03.: WG Slovenia meets in Tržič.
- 28.03.: Expert Work Group Agile Controlling meets.
- 28.03.: The WG Kärnten - Steiermark invites to the ICV Live Webinar “Forecasting”.
- 29.03.: Spring meeting of the WG Franken at Ribe in Schwabach “Controlling in volatile times”.
- 31.03. - 01.04.: Int. Work Group: Get-to-Know Workshop in Poznan.
- 04.04.: Expert Work Group Robotic Process Automation (digital).
- 05.04.: Meeting of the WG Silver Professionals Switzerland.
- 05.04.: Online event “Risk management and resilience in agile corporate management”.
- 14.04.: Online meeting of the Expert Work Group Green Controlling for Responsible Business.
- 19.04.: Joint visit by the ICV and the IMA to the FIFA headquarters on Zürichberg.
- 20.04.: ICV Health Care Conference Switzerland in Olten.
- 20.04.: Webinar: “The financial organization at Welser”.
- 20. - 21.04.: 72nd meeting of the WG Rhineland at Aquatherm GmbH in Attendorn.
- 21.04.: Spring conference of the WG Nord II.
- 21.04.: Transfer Pricing Management at Baker McKenzie München.
- 25.04.: Expert Work Group Agile Controlling - Online-Meeting.
- 27.04.: ICV Live Webinar Success factors for resilience.
- Two new publications from the ICV publication series in the ICV OnlineShop: “Agile Controlling – Guide for agile transformation in controlling and finance” (German) and the Dream Car report by the ICV Think Tank “Controlling & Sustainability” (German and English).
- ICV Board Member Claudia Maron speaks at TUM Heilbronn gGmbH.
- Head of the WG Heilbronn-Künzelsau, Fritz Häussermann, gives a lecture at the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University Heilbronn.
- 04.05.: Mentoring for Mentors (online).
- 09.05.: As a kick-off of the new Expert Work Group “Intelligent Automation”, an ICV Live Webinar presents the topic of “Hyperautomation”.
- 11. - 12.05.: WG Weser-Harz conference in Bad Pyrmont.
- 14.05.: ICV General Meeting shows: “The ICV is well positioned in every respect!”; Honoring long-standing members, including Heinrich Gaumann and Enver Hirsch for 40 years in the ICV.
- 15.05: ICV Controlling Excellence Award 2023 for Merck KGaA for the project “Enabling High-Impact Culture in Financial Steering”, Henkel AG & Co. KGaA and TX Group AG are also awarded.
- 15. - 16.05.: 47th Congress of Controllers, the largest controlling conference in Europe. Motto “New era in management and controlling”.
- 23. 05.: WG Oberpfalz’s get-together.
- 26.05.: In the WG Südwest, the long-time Vice-Head of the WG Helmut Willmann takes over the leadership from Udo Kraus, who led the WG for 15 years.
- 06.06.: ICV Live Webinar Decision Making, Focus “xP&A”.
- 12. - 13.06.: ICV Live Webinar “AI in Business Planning”, series “From members for members”.
- 13.06.: WG Berlin/Brandenburg theme evening: Business model of a radio station.
- 16.06.: Sino-German Controlling Forum Suzhou.
- 19. - 20.06.: 17th Congress ICV Poland, „Digital Momentum for Finance and Controlling“, in Warsaw.
- 20.06.: ICV Live Webinar Digitalization.
- 20.06.: Expert Work Group Intelligent Automation (RPA) on “Automation Initiative” (online).
- 21.06.: DeepDive Expert Work Group Valuation “Company Valuation & Controlling” (online).
- 21.06.: Frankfurt School of Finance and Management 3rd annual conference “Performance Management and Controlling”, ICV partner event.
- 27.06.: WG Zürich-Ostschweiz meets at the SIX Swiss Stock Exchange, Zürich.
- 27.06.: WG Agile Controlling online: „Change Management = Chance Management?“
- 27.06.: Controller get-together of the Work Group Wien.
- 29.06.: Online Expert Talk AI-supported price calculation.
- 29.06.: ICV Live Webinar on integrated corporate management
- 04.07.: ICV Live Webinar “Sustainability with ESG dimensions”.
- 04.07.: Online Expert Talk „Dashboard Design – Best Practices“.
- 04.07.: WG Berlin/Brandenburg summer get-together in Berlin.
- 05.07.: Online Expert Talk “Sustainability Reporting - Best Practices”.
- 05.07.: Online Meet & Talk of the Expert Work Group Digital Transformation: “Digital transformation in medium-sized companies”.
- 06.07.: Online meeting of the Expert Work Group Compliance Management and Controlling.
- 11.07.: Online Expert Talk “State of the Art of Corporate Planning (II)”.
- 12.07.: Online meeting of the WG Südbayern.
- 16.07.: Dr. Walter Schmidt, who worked on a voluntary basis in the ICV for decades in many positions, including a Board Member, passes away.
- 17.07.: WG Oberpfalz - Sustainability at Völkl Sports GmbH (online).
- 18.07.: Online Expert Talk “Competitive Analytics – Competition Monitoring with AI”.
- 19.07.: Online meeting of the WG Franken.
- 21.07.: 52nd Forum Project Controlling in Frankfurt.
- 21.07.: Online Expert Talk “Liquidity management and cash flow planning”.
- A new quarterly from the ICV Think Tank published on the topic “Controlling and New Work”.
- The former Expert Work Group BI/Big Data is repositioning itself under the name “Analytics and Controlling”.
- The ICV once again invites on the summer tour. Send in holiday pictures with the ICV fabric bag!
- 04.08.: Online Expert Talk “Corporate Planning State of the Art (I) - Finance” (additional date).
- 04.08.: Online meeting of the Expert Work Group Green Controlling for Responsible Business.
- 18.08.: Online Expert Talk “State of the Art of Corporate Planning (II)” (additional date).
- 29.08.: Get-together of the WG Bodensee/Allgäu, Kempten.
- Leo Pfefferer has worked in the ICV Office since September.
- 05.09.: Online Expert Talk.
- 06.09.: Digit. meeting of the Expert Work Group Digital Transformation in SMEs.
- 07.09.: ICV Live Webinar Sustainability Controlling and Reporting.
- 08.09.: WHU Campus for Controlling from the Institute for Management and Controlling in Vallendar, ICV partner event.
- 13.09.: Online Expert Talk „Forecasting“.
- 14.09.: WG Slovenia meets.
- 14. - 15.09.: WG Rheinland meets in Ratingen.
- 20.09.: WG Stuttgart meets in Tübingen.
- 20.09.: CTS Controlling Conference Switzerland „Future Skills in Controlling“ in Rotkreuz.
- 21. - 22.09.: AK Westfalen meets in Muenster.
- 22.09.: The WG Ulm meeting: Restart of the Swabian network.
- 22.09.: DeepDive “Valuation in the Private Equity Environment”.
- 22. - 23.09.: Conference North in Kiel: “Controlling North German – avoiding cliffs”.
- 23.09.: Exchange Workshop of the International Work Group.
- 26.09.: Online Expert Talk “Liquidity management and cash flow planning”.
- 26.09.: WG Vorarlberg: Workshop on PowerBI at the FHV in Dornbirn.
- 26.09.: Online meeting of the WG Agile Controlling.
- 27. - 28.09.: WG Weser-Harz meets in Hannover.
- 28.09.: ICV Live Webinar „Liquidity planning “.
- 28.09.: Live Webinar „Transparent liquidity planning “.
- 28.09.: ICV Health Care Forum Austria in Vienna.
- 28.09.: Theme evening of the WG Berlin/Brandenburg.
- 30.09.: ICV Management Conference in Vienna
- The September/October issue of “Controller Magazine” appears with an English-language ICV Special.
- 04.10.:„meet & talk“ / „HR-Controlling“.
- 05.10.: Expert Talk | SAC Planning.
- 06.10.: Online meetins of the Expert Work Group Green Controlling for Responsible Business.
- 10.10.: Expert Talk | S/4HANA & SAP BTP.
- 10.10.: ICV Live Webinar „Planning, analysis, forecasting, reporting “.
- 11.10.: Get-together of the WG Bodensee/Allgäu.
- 11.10.: WG HN-KÜN meets.
- 12.10.: WG Region München meets.
- 12.10.: WG Vorarlberg at Liebherr, Nenzing.
- 12. - 13.10.: 70th meeting of WG Berlin/Brandenburg, Lehnin Monastery.
- 13.10.: WG Südwest in SICK Intelligence Academy.
- 16.10.: WG Oberpfalz online „Sustainability in Controlling“.
- 17.10: ICV Live Webinar (ENG)„Sustainability and ESG Reporting“.
- 19.10.: Expert Talk | Data Driven Decision Making I.
- 23.10.: Eventos Círculo Controller (online).
- 24.10.: Expert Talk | Business planning (IV).
- 26.10.: Expert Talk | Data Driven Decision Making II.
- 26.10.: WG Franken at Bissantz in Nürnberg.
- 27. - 28.10.: Results Workshop of the International Work Group in Poznan, PL.
- 30.10.: Expert Work Group Agile Controlling, online.
- 31.10.: Expert Talk | SAC Reporting.
- Founding of the Sector Work Group: Life Sciences.
- 01.11.: WG Berlin/Brandenburg with virt. „Controller's Hour to Talk".
- 02. 11.: WG Zürich-Ostschweiz at TX-Group.
- 07.11.: ICV Live Webinar on „Modern data strategies”.
- 08.11.: DeepDive „Energy price brake || ESG“.
- 08.11.: Virtual Controller’s get-together of the WG Westfalen.
- 08.11.: Expert Work Group Digital Transformation in SMEs.
- 09.11.: WG Berlin/ Brandenburg on „Project ReComTrans“.
- 09. - 10.11.: 53rd Forum Project Controlling.
- 10.11.: ICV Live Webinar Integrated planning, analysis, forecasting, reporting.
- 13.11.: ICV Expert Work Group Event „Conference / Digital Finance & Controlling“.
- 16.11.: ICV Live Webinar English on Reporting & Effective Decision-Making?
- 16.11.: Power BI in-depth workshop at FH Vorarlberg in Dornbirn.
- 16.11.: ICV Live Webinar „BCS guidelines for the consistent design of tables“.
- 17.11.: ICCC Int. Controlling Conference Croatia.
- 18.11.: ICV East Conference in Leipzig, Motto: „Controlling with a bite“.
- 18.11.: ICV founding member Dr. Erwin Küchle passes away.
- 23.11.: ICV Silver Switzerland online on “Digital Stress”.
- 24.11.: Shawn Pauer and Erik Lüerß win the ICV Newcomer Award 2023.
- 24.11.: Dr. Eva Dornauer, founder and long-time Head of the WG Europaregion Tirol-Südtirol, passes away.
- 24.11.: 22nd CIS Controlling Insights Steyr “Chat-GPT, CSRD, De-Risking & Co – Challenge Accepted”.
- 25.11.: ICV Serbia in Novi Sad.
- 27.11.: Online „meet & talk“ on „HR-Controlling“.
- 28.11: Expert Work Group Agile Controlling: digital boot camp.
- 30.11.: WG Nord Elbe-Eider online for “S4 on Hana”.
- 30.11.: WG Slovenia plans the 20th Adriatic Controlling Conference in 2024.
- Since December, students have the possibility to place their surveys on the ICV website.
- New Expert Work Group: Change Management & Finance, Head: Judith Leopold; Expert Work Group nextgen@planning, Management Team (rotating): Claudia Maron, Ronald Gleich, Karsten Oehler, Michael Kappes.
- 01.12.: Expert Work Group Green Controlling meets in Bonn.
- 01.12.: “More efficient planning – software for planning and budgeting in comparison” Location: FH Steyr.
- 06.12.: WG Berlin/Brandenburg with virtual “Controller's Hour to Talk”.
- 13.12.: Expert Work Group Digital Transformation in SMEs on digitalization activities at MERSOR.
- 15.12.: WG Moscow online on the current economic situation in Russia.
- 15.12.: ICV Live Webinar „CSRD“.
- Closed in 2023: the Expert Work Group Controlling & Quality, Expert Work Group Controlling & Future of Work, Expert Work Group Innovation Management as well as the WG Nordwestschweiz/Regio, WG Bern and AK Kaliningrad. Many thanks to the Heads of the Expert WGs / WGS Frank Ahlrichs, Dr. Rüdiger Eichin, Dr. Lars Grünert, Christian Baumgartner, Kaya Yumusaklar, Valentin Usenkov for their work.
"The changing times require managers and controllers like rarely before, but crises and upheavals always offer great opportunities - and the good helmsman or woman can only be recognized in the storm."
Prof. Dr. Heimo Losbichler, ICV Chairman of the Board
Download the German version of the annual review 2023
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Annual review 2022
The world went into permanent crisis mode: The ICV gave its members support and orientation.
- ICV topics of the year for 2022 are digitization & agility, sustainability, servitisation. Special areas are set up on the ICV website over the course of the year. ICV priority country 2022 is Austria.
- Controller Magazin (German) is now also available as an app for mobile phones and tablets.
- The 100th interview by specialist journalist and ICV honorary member Alfred Biel is published in Controller Magazin: a conversation with ICV Chairman of the Board Prof. Dr. Heimo Losbichler.
- Januar 13: ICV work group Westphalia at a cooperation event at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences.
- January 31: Strong applications for the ICV Controlling Excellence Award 2022 received by the deadline.
- February 2: ICV webinar "Objectives & Key Results" with Jürgen Theisen.
- February 10: ICV Management Conference in online format.
- February 23: The WG Silver Professionals Switzerland meets several times in 2022; for the first time on February 23 online.
- February 25: "CA iTalk live" on sustainable corporate management with ICV Board Member Claudia Maron, DATEV eG, among others.
- Alexander Hein presents the new ICV expert work group DCC Digital Controlling Competence, which he heads, as an avatar on YouTube.
- March 16: ICV webinar "Focus on Financial Independence" with Constanze Hintze.
- March 16: 3rd Controlling & Performance Management Dialogue in cooperation with the ICV.
- March 17: ICV webinar "Sustainability in Projects" with Siegfried Gänßlen
- April 5: ICV partner event: Haufe online seminar "Controlling of digital business models" with Prof. Dr. Ronald Gleich.
- April 6: ICV webinar "Evidence-based Management" in "Agile Controlling" with Alexander Hardt.
- April 21: Finalists for the ICV Controlling Excellence Award 2022 are announced: Deutsche Post DHL Group, Phoenix Contact and SAP.
- ICV cooperation with EBS University of Economics and Law, Wiesbaden, on the Sustainable Performance Management certification program.
- May 8: ICV Management Conference & General Meeting on-site, including a dignified farewell to the long-standing Chairman of the ICV Board of Trustees, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Weber.
- May 9 - 10: 46th Congress of Controllers in Munich with 400 participants.
- May 9: Publication "Servitization" published in ICV publication series.
- May 9: ICV Controlling Excellence Award 2022 to Deutsche Post DHL Group "Integration of sustainability goals in controlling of Deutsche Post DHL Group", followed by SAP SE and Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG.
- May 12: ICV webinar "Agile corporate development and management" with Katja Wenzel and Frank Homrighausen.
- May 24: ICV Poland invites to the English-language webinar "Megatrend Servitization and Controlling" with Prof. Dr. Ronald Gleich and Stefan Tobias
- The long-standing head of the WG Nord II, Stefan Jockel, has passed on his honorary post to Michael Preuß.
- June 1: ICV webinar "Supply Chain Controlling" with Dr. Sebastian Möbus and Dr. Holger Schober.
- June 4: Deep mourning for the ICV honorary member Prof. Dr. dr h.c. multi. Peter Horvath who passed away.
- June 9: ICV webinar "How does the digital transformation in controlling succeed?" with Alexander Hein, Christian Bramkamp and Pascal Speicher.
- June 22: ICV webinar "ESG EU taxonomy" with Peter Sattler and Dr. Peter Schentler.
- Additional licenses for Controller Magazin can be purchased as part of ICV corporate memberships.
- atvisio.TV shows a conversation about the content of ICV corporate memberships with Benjamin Schmalzhaf, ICV corporate member VDI GmbH, Annegret Glöckner, ICV Executive Advisor for Corporate Members, and Peter Bluhm.
- White Paper of the ICV Expert Work Group Green Controlling for Responsible Business "A Controller's Guide to the EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Finance" available in English.
- A regular table of the WG Oberpfalz before the summer break on the Tremmelhauserhöhe height above Regensburg.
- July 22: The WG Südwest meets at Herrenknecht AG.
- Call for the 3rd ICV Green Controlling Study started.
- August 1: Nuclear and coal phase-out, digitization, energy transition, decarbonization etc. - the Performance Manager Podcast publishes a podcast with Gerald Stuer, Head of ICV Sector Work Group Energy + Water.
- August 22: The 35th edition of the Think Tank | Quarterly published. Topic: Sustainability controlling.
- August 30: ICV webinar "Digitization in Controlling" as a "Triple Expert Discussion" with Alexander Hein, Christian Bramkamp and Rainer Schuster.
- September 8 - 9: The WG Nord I meets at the Experience Center of Smurfit Kappa.
- September 9: ICV partner event, the WHU Campus for Controlling, in Vallendar.
- September 20: The Green Controlling Award of the Péter Horváth Foundation in cooperation with the ICV goes to Heraeus Precious Metals in 2022.
- September 21-23: The ICV Delegate Poland, Dr. Tomasz Zieliński, representing the ICV at the Polish National Congress of Accounting Departments in Torun.
- September 22: ICV Health Care Forum Austria again in presence and with 160 participants in Vienna
- September 22: ICV webinar "Sales Controlling" with Evelyn Kirchmaier and Claudia Flaim, moderated by Prof. Dr. Albert Mayr.
- September 28: CTS 2022 – Controller Conference Switzerland in Rotkreuz/Lucerne.
- "Challenging times" is the title of this year's English-language CM Special.
- The 250th edition of the literary forum in Controller Magazin, which has been compiled by expert journalist and ICV honorary member Alfred Biel for 42 years, is honored by the ICV Chairman Prof. Dr. Heimo Losbichler with a foreword.
- October 21-23: In Poznań 16th Controlling Intelligence Adventure, the international congress of ICV Poland.
- October 10: ICV webinar "Securing and controlling results in the perfect storm" with Ulf Loleit; Participation is also possible in person: at the meeting of the WG Austria-Vorarlberg with the Head of the WG Prof. Dr. Markus Ilg.
- October 14 - 15: The ICV Expert Work Group Project Controlling invites to the 50th meeting in Munich.
- The International Group Controlling IGC offers its newest publication "Controlling & Agility" for free download.
- November 11: 10th ICCC International Controlling Conference Croatia in Zagreb.
- November 16: ICV Management Meeting in online format.
- November 17: CAB 2022 – 18th Controlling Advantage Bonn on-site.
- November 18: CIS 2022 21st Controlling Insights Steyr on-site.
- November 24: 20th CCS for the third time in an online format as Controlling Competence Spaces.
- November 24: ICV Newcomer Award to Ayse Kötemen (1st place), Kea Wassermann (2nd place) and Frederick Thönig (3rd place).
- November 28 - 29: ICV Sector Work Group Energy + Water meets for the 40th time.
- The call for applications for the ICV Controlling Excellence Award 2023 has started, the application deadline is January 31, 2023.
- The Green Controlling Study 2022 of the Expert WG Green Controlling for Responsible Business is published.
- The meritorious leaders of the WG Stuttgart, Dr. Olaf Leistert and Dr. Andreas Aschenbrücker, end their many years of voluntary work.
- With the merging of the WG Wien-West and WG Wien-Süd into the WG Wien, Head of the Work Group Günther Pichler and his deputy Michael Purka say goodbye to their voluntary work.
- December 1: ICV webinar "EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Finance - Opportunities and Challenges" with Dr. Tim Dreessen, Silke Thomas and Eva Schimmer.
- December 8: Virtual Christmas Party of the International Work Group.
Download the German version of the annual review 2022
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Annual review 2021
- For 2021, the ICV Think Tank has chosen the main topic “Service-oriented business models”. During the course of the year, the “Think Tank Quarterly” newsletter reports work results in German and English.
- “Center for Performance Management & Controlling” (CPMC) at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management and ICV agree on a cooperation at the beginning of the year.
- 2nd lockdown at the beginning of the year with discussions about the home office. The ICV Expert Work Group “Future of Work” conducts a quick survey on practices in the company's controlling departments.
- New ICV corporate memberships at the beginning of the year: Isabellenhütte Heusler GmbH & Co. KG, WAGO ELWAG sp. z o.o., Lafarge Cement S.A. and Eurofins NDSC Food Testing Germany GmbH.
- University cooperation between the ICV Work Group Westphalia and the TH Ostwestfalen-Lippe: In the Master’s degree in Management of medium-sized enterprises, students present their semester papers to a Jury.
- The ICV Communications Team publishes social media instructions online for ICV members.
- Group-wide collaboration is the topic of the ICV Live Webinar “NewWork@ G+D” with Pia Burkarth on February 23
- A1 Telekom Austria, Bosch Group and KUKA Deutschland GmbH have been nominated by the ICV Jury for the ICV Controlling Excellence Award 2021.
- Hochschule Fresenius for Management, Business and Media GmbH, Campus Hamburg (HSF HH), and the ICV sign a cooperation agreement.
- On International Women's Day on March 8, “Gender Equality - Equal Pay” is the topic of the ICV Live Webinar with Uta Zech.
- Anniversary: The ICV Work Group Stuttgart is holding its 75th meeting online on March 11.
- ICV Live Webinar on March 24 in the series “AI - and the human factor?” with Dirk Radsziwill on the subject of “Change Management in the Environment of Digital Transformation and Lean Improvement”.
- At the Wirtschaftszeitung Forum Controlling 2021, “New Work in Controlling & Finance”, on March 28 (online, in cooperation with the ICV), Pia Burkhardt is the main speaker, co-speaker: Jens Ropers.
- In cooperation with Fraunhofer IAO and Detect Value AG the ICV online survey. The results are incorporated into the “Future of Work in Controlling” topic cluster at the 45th Congress of Controllers.
- New ICV Expert Work Group "RPA - Robotic Process Automation" starts under the direction of Nicolas Hess.
- ICV online workshop “Build a Bot” with RPA provider Servicetrace for members on April 20.
- Europe's leading controlling conference, the 45th Congress of Controllers, on April 26/27: The Chairman of the organizer, the ICV, Prof. Dr. Heimo Losbichler describes the first ever online Congress with 400 participants as a “more than successful premiere”
- At the Congress on April 26, the ICV Controlling Excellence Award 2021 is given to Bosch for the concept “Controller of the Future - People make the Difference!”.
- The ICV welcomes further corporate memberships: Drumet Liny i Druty sp. z o.o., Hoist Finance AB (publ), OneStream Software LLC, GmbH, Winkelmann Sp.z o.o., Erste Bank a.d. Novi Sad and linkFISH Consulting GmbH.
- ICV publishes Dream Car Report of the Think Tank 2019/2020 on a burning topic: "Always remaining on track - How the controlling navigates companies through times of crisis".
- On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the first ICV Wokr Group in Croatia, a conversation with Jasmina Očko, Head of the Work Group Croatia, can be read in the ICV ControllingBlog.
- Theses by Prof. Dr. Utz Schäffer on the future of controlling attracts more than 160 participants to the English-language "UNDER CONTROL ICV Live Webinar" organized by ICV Poland on May 12.
- "Company valuation as a means to (controlling) goals" - a successful relaunch of the ICV Expert Work Group Company Valuation on May 19 with Prof. Dr. Robert C. Schmidt and Christian Bramkamp overwritten - successful.
- The new ICV Expert Work Group „Digital Controlling Competence", headed by Alexander Hein, starts with a kick-off on May 21.
- ICV Live Webinar "RPA: Women in Technology" on May 26 with Ronja Lesiw, Lisa Epping and Kea Marleen Lampe.
- In its series of publications, the ICV publishes guidelines for the preparation of business decisions (Business Judgment Rule). Well-known ICV experts are part of the team of authors.
- “Management in the VUCA world” is the title of the ICV Live Webinar on June 1 with Marco Betz.
- ICV Live Webinar “Company Valuation for Controllers” on June 18 with Prof. Stefan Behringer.
- "What AI can really do and what (yet) not", explains Prof. Dr. Tobias Brendel in the ICV Live Webinar on June 22
- The virtual ICV General Meeting on June 24 looks back on a "very special year 2020, in which the ICV was active and successful despite corona restrictions". Eberhard Schwarz is re-elected as auditor.
- With AEP Solutions GmbH, Heuberger Eloxieranstalt GmbH, CONSORG SA, Coop Genossenschaft, Endress + Hauser Management AG, FLT - Krasnik SA, fme AG, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Center CPMC, Personio GmbH, propport data GmbH , Wood - Mizer Industries sp. z o.o. the ICV welcomes further corporate members.
- In a campaign initiated by Dragica Erčulj and Annegret Glöckner, the ICV focuses on Slovenia as a business location, especially for corporate members.
- ICV publishes White Paper "Innovation: Leap into the Future - Steps to Successfully Building an Innovation Culture" by the ICV Expert Work Group on Innovation Management. The “Controller Magazin” publishes an interview with Siegfried Gänßlen about it.
- A Future Workshop of the ICV Expert Work Group "Future of Work" takes place online on July 15 with Dr. Jörg Thienemann and Prof. Dr. Thomas Falter.
- ICV Live Webinar "Cost Management - Results and Recommendations from a Current European Study" on July 27 with Prof. Dr. Ronald Gleich.
- The new Head of the ICV Expert Work Group Digital Transformation is Dr. Nadia Vazquez Novoa, who succeeds Reinoud van der Vliet.
- Rudolf Rieger, co-founder of the ICV with membership number 8, dies in July at the age of 92.
- Initiated by the ICV Work Group Silver Professionals Switzerland, the ICV is now inviting members - mentors and mentees - to the ICV Mentoring Program. From now on, it is intended to promote the exchange of industry newcomers and experts.
- ICV Live Webinar "Agility in Controlling" on August 31 with Marie-Luise Lehmann and Prof. Dr. Ulrich Egle.
- In a „Controlling-Berater“ Interview, ICV Board Member Claudia Maron and ICV Honorary Member Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Péter Horváth focus on sustainability controlling.
- “Stronger than ever” is the title of the English-language Controller Magazin Special 2021, in which the ICV focuses on its activities in non-German-speaking countries.
- At the beginning of September, the new ICV Work Group Skopje, headed by Mitka Mojsovska, starts with a workshop with 40 participants.
- ICV Live Webinar "Decision-making templates for corporate management" on September 13 with Prof. Dr. Gleissner.
- Start of the ICV autumn conferences on September 17/18 in Schwerin: the ICV North-East Conference brings together the Germany North and East regions in presence.
- At the North-East Conference on September 18, Ali-Rabab Qureshi receives the ICV Newcomer Award for his master thesis “Developing an Early Warning System to Improve Proactive Risk Management in Non-Financial Companies”.
- On September 22, the Green Controlling Award of the Péter Horváth Foundation in cooperation with the ICV goes to BASF for their method of calculating the product-related CO2 footprint.
- The ICV Health Care Forum Austria takes place in two parts for the first time: The start on September 23 as a half-day online conference is to be completed by another event in spring 2022.
- Simply add it to the shopping cart, pay and then download the series, white paper or study as a PDF: the ICV Online Shop for ICV publications has started.
- Jörg Hanken, Head of the ICV Expert Work Group “Transfer Pricing Management - Interface Controlling / Taxes”, has been nominated by WirtschaftsWoche as one of the best experts for the digitization of tax departments.
- “How do you actually become Head of Controlling?” is the topic of the ICV Young Finance Professionals Meet-up on October 5 with Klaus Schlesinger.
- The hybrid 15th CIA Controlling Intelligence Adventure held in Polish and English on October 11/12 in Warsaw is successful with over 250 participants.
- At the 2nd Controlling & Performance Management Dialogue of the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management on October 18, the ICV experts Prof. Dr. Ronald Gleich, Claudia Maron and Marie-Luise Lehmann are the speakers.
- Sino-German Controlling Forum as a face-to-face event on the subject of “Controlling & Controllers in the Post-Pandemic Era” on October 22 in Suzhou.
- The CTS Controller Conference Switzerland takes place on October 27 in Rotkreuz (CH).
- In October, the long-standing ICV Chairman, Dr. Wolfgang Berger-Vogel celebrates his 80th birthday.
- "Organizational Resilience" is the title of the ICV Live Webinar on November 10 with Frank Ahlrichs and Holger Hildebrand.
- The ICCC International Controlling Conference Croatia on November 11/12 takes place online.
- The ICV is gold partner of the Management & Controlling Congress ManCon on November 16
- Opportunities and limits of agile controlling are the topic of the 17th CAB Controlling Advantage Bonn on November 18 in Bonn.
- The Young Finance Professionals Meet-up on November 18 with Tobias Stein deals with “How the Subscription Economy is Changing Controlling”.
- The 20th CIS Controlling Insights Steyr on November 19 has to take place online at short notice due to the corona pandemic that flares up again. The jubilee conference will highlight challenges in and for the post-covid era with a focus on sustainability, digitization and corporate planning.
- The 19th CCS Controlling Competence in the Spaces on November 25 enables 200 participants to experience finance and controlling in three dimensions in the virtual learning and working world of SPACES.
- The new Head of the ICV Work Group Slovenia is Sebastian Lipovsek as the successor to Dragica Erčulj.
- The ICV Expert Work Group “Green Controlling for Responsible Business” publishes its new white paper “EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Finance”.
- Prof. Dr. Ronald Gleich and Dr. Jan Christoph Munck from the ICV Think Tank present the findings of the Dream Car report "Always remaining on track - How the controlling navigates companies through times of crisis" in the ICV Live Webinar on December 7. Carl Braun reports from company practice.
- Scrum is the focus topic of the International Work Group in the 4th quarter.
- In the last weeks of 2021, the ICV welcomes new corporate members: Cubewise Poland sp z o.o., Objectivity Sp. z o.o., Taxcoach sp. z o.o., roosi GmbH, EBS University for Economics and Law gGmbH, ZOLLERN GmbH & Co. KG; since 2022: Stadtwerke Ludwigsburg- Kornwestheim GmbH, Die Schweizerische Post AG - Finance, Curtis Health Caps S.A.

Annual review 2020
- The joint project of SAP & the ICV "Next Generation Finance Benchmarking" starts.
- The ICV Young Finance Professionals initiative starts with a survey on the future Online Platform.
- ICV Board Meeting on January 17/18 in Feldafing with intensive consultations on the 2020 annual plan.
- ICV expert work group web seminar "Digital Transformation" on January 23 with the Head of the expert work group Digital Transformation Reinoud van der Vliet.
- The joint controlling work group of the German – Russian Chamber of Commerce and the ICV meets on January 22 in St. Petersburg.
- As part of the ICV cooperation with the OstwestfalenLippe University of Applied Sciences (OWL), semester papers are awarded on 23.01
- On January 31 the application phase for the ICV Excellence Award 2020 ends.
- Annegret Glöckner starts her voluntary work as the ICV Executive Advisor for Corporate Members.
- The Jury for the ICV Controlling Excellence Award under the direction of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Weber takes up the work in a new team (Prof. Dr. Ute Vanini, Jens Bieniek succeed Hubert Tretter and Hillert Onnen). Also in the Jury: Roland Iff and Prof. Dr. Andreas Seufert.
- The latest newsletter from the ICV Think Tank gives an insight into the current state of work on the main topic “Controlling in times of crisis”.
- Once again the ICV welcomes new corporate members: Controlling Investments Sp.z o.o., DEKPOL S.A., Dosenbach-Ochsner AG, E.S.G. Sp. z o.o., Espersen Sp. z.o.o., GEMÜ Group, Global-Exact, Krajowy Depozyt Papierow Wartosciowych S.A., MACH AG, Telekom Srbija, ORLEN Asfalt Sp. z o.o., Politechnika Czestochowska, TU (PL), SAP Poland, Sun Garden Polska, Sp. z o.o. Sp. K., WITTE Automotive GmbH.
- For the ICV Controlling Excellence Award 2020, the ICV Jury nominates A1 Telekom Austria, BASF and Pixum.
- On March 17 "in view of the rapid development of the last few days" the ICV Board cancels the 45th Congress of Controllers on April 27/28. The leading controlling conference in Europe is to take place at a later date in the tried and tested quality.
- The Forum Controlling by the Regensburg Wirtschaftszeitung from 19.03. is canceled at short notice.
- On March 19, the controlling supplement of the Mittelbayerische Zeitung appears, an annual joint effort with the ICV.
- On March 20 the ControllerPanel, a WHU initiative in cooperation with the ICV, starts a corona flash survey.
- Lockdown I on March 22: The federal and state governments agree on strict exit and contact restrictions in Germany.
- The ICV Communications Team sets up the "Tools & Tips for Times of the (Corona) Crisis" area on the ICV website at the beginning of April and calls for cooperation.
- Prof. Dr. Heimo Losbichler, Chairman of the ICV and the Vice Chairman Matthias von Daacke explain the background to the postponement of the Congress in the “Performance Manager Podcast”.
- ICV Health Care Conference Switzerland - GTS 2020, announced for April 2 in Zurich, is initially postponed to July 2, 2020, and later canceled completely.
- Dr. Rainer Vieregge, meritorious founder and Head of ICV work groups, dies on 4.04
- The Polish conference 14th Controlling Intelligence Adventure Congress - CIA 2020 planned for April 6/7 in Poznan – is postponed to September 14/15.
- The General Meeting called for April 26 in Munich is postponed, will be held on May 28 as an online event.
- The 45th Congress of Controllers, planned for April 27/28. in Munich, is postponed.
- The ICV starts on April 27 its "Corona Initiative: By ICV Members for ICV Members" with the exclusive online seminar "Liquidity management & capital requirement calculation with Excel" with Rainer Pollmann. The demand is so great that there are several repeat dates.
- With a live streamed online premiere on April 27 sales of the “Karriere-Bibel” [Carrer Bible] audio book starts through the Performance Manager Podcast from ATVISIO Consult.
- At the turn of the month the “Crisis Special Edition” of the “Think Tank | Quarterly” is ready to download.
- On April 30 Gunnar Helms, Head of the “Compliance Management and Controlling” expert work group, leadst he ICV web seminar “In the corona crisis: the most important (legal) issues - an overview with a checklist”.
- "Resisting the corona crisis: Optimizing working capital" is the title of the web seminar of the ICV expert work group with Frank Ahlrichs, Head of the WG "Quality and Controlling" on May 12.
- "Resisting the corona crisis: Corporate planning and evaluation" is the title of the web seminar of the ICV expert work group with Stefanos Karagiannidis, Head of WG Company Valuation, and Philipp Moecke on May 13.
- On May 19 a web seminar of the ICV Think Tank "Resisting the Corona Crisis: Crisis Management & Controlling" takes place with Claudia Maron, ICV Board Member, Christoph Munck and Stefan Tobias.
- The results of the 2nd Corona Flash Survey by the ControllerPanel are presented on May 20 (German) and on May 28 (English).
- On May 25 an online meeting of the expert work group Project Controlling takes place for the first time. The English-language web seminar under the direction of Head of the expert WG and Nausica is also the initial meeting for a new ICV network in Romania.
- On May 26 Dr. Georg Schneider, Head of the WG Moscow heads a web seminar "Business in Russia in times of Corona crisis".
- "Resistirás - you will resist!": Members of the ICV International Work Group express their solidarity with Spain, which was hard hit by corona, with an online campaign and where TUGSsal hosted the work group in 2019.
- First virtual ICV General Meeting on May 28 with over 130 participants, including votes and elections. Election of the Board: Siegfried Gänßlen and Karl-Heinz Steinke are followed by Claudia Maron and Markus Steiner. By-election of the Board of Trustees: Successors to Dr. Wolfgang Berger-Vogel and Dr. Richard Lutz are Christina Keindorf and Siegfried Gänßlen. The new Chairman of the Board of Trustees is Prof. Dr. Utz Schäffer
- The IGC International Group of Controlling celebrates its 25th anniversary.
- At the Catalan ACCID Congress on June 5 (online) ICV Board Member Claudia Maron speaks.
- Web seminar "The crisis as an accelerator for change" with experts from ICV corporate member Roland Berger, Oliver Knapp and Daniel Geiger, on June 16 in German and on June 18 in English.
- Exclusive ICV web seminar "AI - and the human factor?" for ICV corporate and individual members on June 25 with ICV Executive Advisor Annegret Glöckner.
- Markus Lüscher is the new ICV Regional Delegate for Switzerland to succeed Markus Steiner, who was elected ICV Board Member.
- The ICV expert work group “Future of Work” invites you to a survey “Home Office for ever?” and publishes the results in the ICV ControllingBlog a little later.
- With the July issue, Controller Magazin has a more modern look.
- The “Think Tank | Quarterly“ focuses on risk management and scenario analyzes.
- Further new ICV corporate members at the beginning of summer: Alpiq AG, ARRA GROUP Sp. z o.o. Społka komandytowa, Alfred Kärcher SE & CO KG.
- The ICV expert work group “Green Controlling for Responsible Business” presents a white paper that provides an introduction to the topic of impact measurement for controllers.
- The ICV uses the offer of a free MS Teams license for committees and work groups. The offer is limited to two years.
- The Controller Magazin (issue September / October) appears with the annual English-language supplement “Controlling International”.
- The winner of the ICV Controlling Excellence Award 2020 is announced: BASF with the project “Predictive Analytics approach for financial forecasting on Operating Division level called PACE - Predictive Analytics Estimate”.
- QVANTUM and the ICV jointly check how controllers manage a crisis in an online survey.
- On September 11 the 8th Chinese-German Controlling Forum takes place in Suzhou as a face-to-face event.
- The ICV conference Controlling Intelligence Adventure - CIA 2020 takes place on September 14/15 as a hybrid event in Poznan.
- On September 16 ICV members are for the first time welcome at the virtual CIMA get-together in Frankfurt / Main.
- Business in Russia is the topic of the web seminar with an Head of the work group Moscow, Dr. Georg Schneider, on September 18.
- On 23.09 the Green Controlling Award 2020 of the Péter Horváth Foundation in cooperation with the ICV is awarded to Robert Bosch GmbH for the project "CO2 neutralization of the Bosch Group in 2020".
- The 21st ICV Health Care Forum Austria originally for 24.09 is postponed to 2021.
- On September 30 the Controlling Conference Switzerland - CTS 2020 takes place online due to corona.
- At the end of September, the new expert work group “Agile Controlling” starts in Switzerland under the direction of Prof. Dr. Ulrich Egle and Marie-Luise Lehmann.
The revenue from the sale of the “Karriere-Bibel für Controller” [Carrer Bibile for Controllers], an audio book from the Performance Manager Podcast, exceeds the EUR 3,000 mark and is donated in full to the ICV.
- The International Work Group of the ICV publishes the results of its continuous work in 2020 in the ICV online channels.
- On November 4 - a web seminar by the ICV and corporate member The Hackett Group exclusively for ICV members dedicated to the topic "Successful Controlling: Planning best practices focus".
- The ICV symposium CIB - Controlling Inspiration Berlin on November 7 is an online event for the first time.
- The ICV Newcomer Award 2020 is given to graduates from Berlin, Stockholm and Munich at the CIB; 1st place to Jesper Juul from the HWR Berlin.
- The lnternational Controlling Conference Croatia - ICCC 2020 on 12/13.11. takes place in English as an online event.
- With its innovative 3-D online format with avatars, the 18th CCS Controlling Competence Stuttgart sets new standards on November 26.
- Austria's controlling highlight, Controlling Insights Steyr - CIS 2020, on November 27, online for the first time.
- At the ICV Management Conference on November 28 executives from five countries discuss.
- The ICV welcomes further corporate members since summer: Rhenus Data Office Polska Sp. z o.o., STEINEL GmbH, LTP-Logistyka Sp. z o.o., Krajowa Izba Rozliczeniowa S.A., Asseco Solutions AG, Alfred Kärcher SE & CO KG.
- Webcast for the QVANTUM-ICV planning study on December 2 with Matthias von Daacke (Vice Chairman of the ICV Board) and Christoph Magoley (ICV corporate member Thinking Networks AG).
- Gabrielle Heller is the new ICV Regional Delegate South (D) to succeed Claudia Maron, who was elected to the ICV Board.
- The ICV Controlling Excellence Award 2021 is announced.
- On December 15 the last of a total of 36 issues of the “Controlling e-News” for 2020 appears.