Exclusively for ICV members: The ICV Mentoring Program - success stories across continents

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With the ICV Mentoring Program, we ensure that our members develop further - exactly where it is most important to you. As a participant, you benefit significantly from the exchange between mentee and mentor, tailored to your needs. And that in the widely recognized, internationally oriented and renowned ICV network. The different perspectives on current challenges and trends (e.g. the new role of controllers, automation in the financial sector) as well as the different approaches to tasks and projects open up new exciting perspectives and possibilities for action for the partners in the mentoring team.
We bring together what together will be even better! For example, controlling newcomers (shortly before starting their careers or with little work experience) with silver professionals (very experienced), industry newcomers with industry experts or professionals who are more than 50 years old with silver professionals to plan the last phase of their career.
Here in the Mentoring Area in the MembersPortal you can see all Mentors at a glance.
You have the option to contact each of them directly by e-mail. You organize the getting-to-know-you phase and further meetings according to your mutual needs.
To support you, you will receive the ICV Mentoring Guide German and English and, if necessary, tips from the ICV Mentoring Team of Experts. Participation in the ICV Mentoring Program is free of charge for ICV members.
What does ICV mentoring look like in practice? Our Mentors and Mentees provide insight!
"The network is simply worth its weight in gold" (video in German)
Markus Steiner gives an all-round overview of the ICV Mentoring Program and summarizes why it is worth taking part - and thus taking advantage of a "great opportunity".
“Mentees can ask Mentors anything” (video in German)
Dieter Meyer makes it clear: The Mentor lets the Mentee benefit from their experience with tips and advice - but the Mentee always makes own decision about their path.
“Insights from the Mentee are exciting” (video in German)
Pia Burkarth and Marie-Luise Lehmann agree: listening to each other's perspective on their own situation is a benefit for both sides and also quite challenging for the Mentor.
"You learn to explain things simply" (video in German)
As a Mentor, Ronny Schaffer learned to get to the point verbally because you simply have to explain them. “This opens up unexpected learning opportunities.”
"It's also about soft topics" (video in German)
Detlev Zillmer sometimes discusses also about whether career or family planning should take priority - or how you manage to get everything under one roof.
"We can just talk about anything" (video in German)
Prof. Dr. Utz Schäffer and Nils Gimpl discuss what's on each other's minds. The Mentor also benefits from this, says Schäffer, because: “I am forced to reflect.”
Mentoring international? Sure, of course! (video in Polish)
Whether Polish with Tomasz Zieliński, Slovenian with Dragica Erčulj or French with Rainer Grossenbacher: there are no national borders or language barriers at the ICV. English is standard.
“Sociability is also very important” (video in German)
The ICV Silver Professionals Switzerland are “the forefathers” of the ICV Mentoring Program. Rainer Grossenbacher reports on how this came about and where the focus of this ICV Work Group lies.
This is how you benefit from your participation
According to a study by the ATD (Association for Talent Development) from 2017, 59% of mentors reflect on their own professional career through discussions with the mentees, discover new perspectives and open up new horizons for themselves.
Mentors develop and strengthen leadership and social skills. Forming bonds and strengthening them is one of the successes as a mentor.
The feeling of being needed and recognized with one's experience and knowledge strengthens one's self-esteem. The more recognition and appreciation the mentor receives from the mentee, the bigger the satisfaction.
The mentor seeks and reinforces the good qualities, skills and competencies of his protégé. This basic attitude of focusing on the positive carries over to the basic attitude - of mentor and mentee alike - when dealing with tasks.
Working with controlling newcomers, mentees from other departments or hierarchical levels is a challenge that is gladly taken, because it brings variety to one's everyday life. Anyone who supports others and can actively participate in their successes feels confirmed and satisfied.
When it comes to mentoring, one thing is clear from the outset: Listening is needed whenever a job or career is at stake. Because only those who listen can respond to others, answer their questions and fulfill their wishes.
In the mentoring team, people meet without prejudice or prior knowledge about the other. The focus is clearly on the status quo and professional interests. This goal-oriented, neutral approach without blinkers also helps to recognize a possible discrepancy between self-perception and perception of others.
Instead of struggling alone in a quiet little room through jobs, new tasks and requirements or simply the perfect résumé, you get tips, tricks and support from the other person.
Anyone who lives in the current age of information and data overload sometimes no longer sees the forest for the trees. Or they have never thought about what could actually be waiting behind the forest. Mentoring sharpens the view and opens new horizons.
Changes are always associated with effort. That is why they are postponed so easily. Also because of the fear of failure. Asking questions or asking for help are tasks in everyday working life that also need to be learned. This is exactly where the mentor is an important aid in their function as a reminder and motivator.
The partner in the mentoring program may have exactly those contacts who are the right, important, decisive ones right here and now. And the good thing about it is: Using the other person's network of relationships is expressly encouraged!
How does the ICV Mentoring Program work in practice?
We make it easier for you to get started with short explainer videos
Search for a Mentor
Becoming a Mentor
Being a Mentor
The ICV Mentoring Team of Experts

Rainer Grossenbacher
Silver Professionals Switzerland