ENG: Who will win? - 3 nominees for the ICV Controlling Excellence Award 2021
Munich, 18.03.2021- The ICV International Association of Controllers has nominated three companies for this year's prestigious ICV Controlling Excellence Award: A1 Telekom Austria, Bosch-Group and KUKA Deutschland GmbH.
A1 applied with the “Finance Analytics @A1 Austria” project, a process for introducing advanced analytics, the Bosch Group with a solution for deriving and introducing new controller roles entitled “Controller of the Future - People make the Difference!”, and KUKA with the solution “Introduction of a Product Lifecycle Controlling in the KUKA Robotics Segment”.
The Award will be presented on April 26 at Europe's leading controlling conference, the 45th Congress of Controllers. Every year, the ICV honors exemplary, practical controlling solutions with the renowned award. The expert Jury, which consists of practitioners and professors alike, is headed by the Chairman of the ICV Board of Trustees, Prof. Dr. Utz Schäffer, from the WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management, Institute for Management and Controlling, Vallendar.
Further information on the 45th Congress of Controllers is available on the ICV website at: www.icv-controlling.com/en -> Events -> Controller Congress
The ICV (International Association of Controllers) has in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and 12 other countries in Europe around 6,000 members active in practical controlling. The key objective of the ICV controlling philosophy is reaching permanent economic success. With its honorary chairman Dr. Dr. h.c. Albrecht Deyhle the Association, founded in 1975, has shaped the controlling in German speaking countries placed and influenced. The ICV merges controllers, CFOs, managers and scientists and it is strictly oriented on its members’ benefit. Experience, communication and being focused on future-oriented trends are foundations of the ICV. The ICV combines practical experience with the latest research results and prepares its knowledge for practical implementation. The ICV makes personal contribution to the success of its members and to the sustainable performance of companies. Prof. Dr. Heimo Losbichler, FH Steyr, is the Chairman of the ICV, Vice Chairman of the ICV is Matthias von Daacke, BLANCO GmbH & Co. KG.
Contact for the press:
- Hans-Peter Sander, ICV Press, Ammersee Denkerhaus – Coworking Space, Sonnenstr. 1, D-86911 Dießen am Ammersee; Tel. +49 0176 63 722 680, presse@icv-controlling.com;
- ICV, Geschäftsstelle, Münchner Str. 8, D-82237 Wörthsee, Tel. +49-(0)8153-88 974-20
- www.icv-controlling.com