Press releases


What effects does digital transformation have on the controller profession and what role do controllers have to play in the time of serious changes in…

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Welche Auswirkungen hat die Digitale Transformation für den Controller-Beruf und welche Rolle müssen Controller bei den gravierenden Veränderungen der…

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The 2017 Green Controlling Award of the Péter-Horváth-Foundation together with the International Association of Controllers (ICV) was given on…

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Der Green-Controlling-Preis 2017 der Péter-Horváth-Stiftung gemeinsam mit dem Internationalen Controller Verein (ICV) ist am 20. September in…

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Am 24. Juni findet im #openspace Berlin das 1. ICV Controlling Barcamp „Young Controllers in Times of Digitalization“ – auch für neugierige erfahrene…

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Digitization will radically change company and controlling / business management of the digital economy necessary / "digital tasting room"

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ICV White Paper: practical use proposals for "Integrated Reporting" / To use oppor-tunities for digitization is "a challenge for the future"

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42nd Controller Congress: Largest controlling conference in Europe opened in Munich / ICV Chairman Gänßlen: "Paradigm change in company management"

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The Controller Award 2017 of the International Association of Controllers (ICV) goes to EDEKA Südwest. On Monday (May 15), the team "company…

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Der ControllerPreis 2017 des Internationalen Controller Vereins (ICV) geht an EDEKA Südwest. Das Team „Unternehmensentwicklung“ des Geschäftsbereichs…

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