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This week, children from many European countries and regions began their school year. What will they learn? Book knowledge, number and dates? Working…

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Even though we are all enjoying summer right now, autumn is fast approaching. It’s also packed with many highlights – at least for controllers. The…

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Are you interested in working together to develop practical solutions to problems and having an intensive professional exchange? Then we would like to…

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Summer is on its way! While this obviously means more sun and being outdoors as much as possible, it doesn't mean that the ICV is taking a break. Take…

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In his closing words for the 48th Congress of Controllers, Prof. Dr. Heimo Losbichler thanked the speakers for the numerous inspirations and the…

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Top speakers from international companies, current, practice-oriented knowledge, experience exchange and latest developments in the use of AI in…

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The 48th Congress of Controllers is getting closer and closer – if you want to know what we prepared this year check the website and follow us in the…

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New year was a great opportunity to start new ICV expert work groups and re-launch some others: Head of the Expert Work Group “Compliance Management…

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We hope you have had a great start into the new year! We wish you all the best for your professional and private projects in 2024!   With the first…

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An intensive autumn with ICV Autumn Conference and ICV Live Webinars in German and English lies behind us – with the presentation of the ICV Newcomer…

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How busy are you already in 2024? Have you planned your calendar? If not all budgets have been approved yet, we would be pleased if you also take the…

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The first ICV autumn conferences are behind us – but there are still some that you can take part in, including one in English, in Croatia. They all…

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September – the autumn is coming closer! And with the autumn – the ICV Autumn Conferences with a great choice of topics, for both controlling…

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The weather in Europe looks more like it was autumn, not summer – but it’s August and you have still some time to decide and choose the ICV Autumn…

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The second half of the year began. If you have an ICV bag - don’t forget to take it with you on your summer travels, and if you don’t – check your…

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At the Congress of Controllers the last keynote traditionally focuses less on current controlling topics and more on controllers. This year it was all…

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No rail strike, no corona restrictions - this year's Congress was all about the current controlling topics and inspiring personal encounters. In his…

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The nominees for the ICV Controlling Excellence Award have been chosen and the ICV in the starting blocks for the final Congress preparations.…

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If you have missed the early bird discount for the 47th Congress of Controllers, it doesn’t mean you miss also the chance to take advantage of this…

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The deadline for submitting projects to compete for the ICV Controlling Excellence Award is behind us – now the Jury evaluates the received documents.…

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It’s a pleasure for us to welcome you in the new year 2023. We wish you much health and success: fulfill your career as well as private dreams! We…

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Intensive autumn is behind us with more than 1000 participants at the ICV events. It was a great time to develop and exchange experience and ideas…

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It’s your last chance to take part in one of the ICV autumn conferences – 20th Controlling Competence Spaces starts tomorrow – this time with an…

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The first ICV autumn conferences are behind us – but there are still a few you can take part in, including two in English: one that has been offered…

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