Education with a certificate

The ICV is a recognized provider for the promotion of vocational training, including student assistance. On request you will receive a certificate of participation.

Education with a certificate

The ICV is a recognized provider for the promotion of vocational training, including student assistance. On request you will receive a certificate of participation.

Up-to-date controlling knowledge, also in your region

Come to our Autumn Conferences 2023 and secure your knowledge base and advantage for the coming year. The ICV supports you. It brings information, experiences, tips and assistance on all aspects of controlling and corporate management to your region. Decide now for your future in controlling by participating.

ICV Autumn Conferences 2023: Dates and links at a glance

On-site/ German / Switzerland

September 20: CTS Controlling Conference Switzerland
"Future skills in controlling: With these skills, controlling is prepared for the future"
To the event at a glance
To the event page

On-site/ German / Switzerland

September 20: CTS Controlling Conference Switzerland
"Future skills in controlling: With these skills, controlling is prepared for the future"
To the event at a glance
To the event page

On-site/ German/ Austria

September 28: ICV Health Care Forum
To the event at a glance
To the event page

On-site/ German/ Austria

September 28: ICV Health Care Forum
To the event at a glance
To the event page

Metaverse / deutsch / online

12. bis 14. November: Controlling Competence Spaces (online in den icvIspaces)
"KI im Controlling - bist du bereit?"
Zur Kurzbeschreibung auf dieser Seite
Zur Eventseite

On-site / German / Austria

November 24: CIS Controlling Insights Steyr
"ChatGPT, CSRD, De-Risking & Co - Challenge Accepted", ICV Newcomer Award is presented here
To the event at a glance
To the event page


On-site / German / Austria

November 24: CIS Controlling Insights Steyr
"ChatGPT, CSRD, De-Risking & Co - Challenge Accepted", ICV Newcomer Award is presented here
To the event at a glance
To the event page


ICV Autumn Conferences 2023: Program details

September, 20, 9.10 - 16.30: Welcome to the canton of Zug!

  • Controlling Conference Switzerland
  • On-site
  • Language: German


  • Future Skills in Controlling
  • The role of the modern controller - the business sparring partner
  • Business Partner Plus - the role of the controller in family businesses (Victorinox AG)
  • Chocolate since 1845 - today's controlling skills
  • Mind the (skills) gap - controlling of the future
  • The merging of finance and technology: How digitization is changing business controlling to its very foundations and challenging its employees
  • Panel discussion "Does AI make the development of skills for controlling superfluous?"

Details and registration HERE

September 28, 8.45 - 17.30: Welcome to Vienna!

  • ICV Health Care Forum, Austria
  • On-site
  • Language: German


  • Controlling 2030: What changes will the current developments bring to controlling? - Panel discussion
  • CO2 balances and their relevance in the health sector
  • Transparency of reliable quantity structures as a basis for (structural) master planning and personnel requirements analysis
  • Holistic care management with ePA, LEP and TIP Hce
  • Hhealth quiz
  • Legal framework of medical controlling
  • Perspectives and further development of the LKF model
  • Workshop: Leadership Challenges VUCA
  • Increasing efficiency and effectiveness in intensive care medicine through AI-based telemedicine
  • Complexity and dynamics: What can hospital management learn from sport (football)?

Details and registration HERE

12. bis 14. November, jeweils 13 bis 17 Uhr: Willkommen im Metaverse!

  • CCS Controlling Competence Spaces
  • Online in den icvIspaces
  • Deutschsprachig
  • Kommen Sie als Avatar!
  • Erstmals mehrtägig (3 Nachmittage) 
  • Teilnahme an allen oder an einzelnen Tagen möglich
  • Sessionthemen: New Work & Analytical Skills (Agile & Change Management) / Business Intelligence & Analytics (Planning, Reporting & Decision Making) / Digital Trends & ESG (Strategy, Risk & Finance)


  • Florian Ponnath, ehem. Leiter Digilab for Finance, Siemens Healthineers
  • Gina Heller-Herold, Gründerin, Risikomanagement- und Sustainability Expertin, beku Consult
  • Fabian Heidenstecker, Senior Manager für Solutions, Opitz Consulting
  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Seufert, Direktor des Business Innovation Labs, Hochschule Ludwigshafen
  • Tizian Weber, Experte im Umgang mit Qlik View und Qlik Sense
  • Theresa Rauh, Consultant, H&Z digital
  • Dr. Roland Deinzer, Leiter Unternehmensentwicklung, strategisches Controlling und Risikomanagement, Bundesagentur für Arbeit
  • Ramona Greiner, Digital Analytics & Data Ehtics Consultant, FELD M GmbH
  • Matthias Böck, Data Scientist, FELD M GmbH
  • Jan Witte, Senior Business Consultant, Bluetree Consulting
  • Matthias Seiller, KI-Expert und Data Scientist, DATEV
  • Prof. Dr. Roland Zimmermann, Professor an der TU OHM Nürnberg
  • Patrick Link, Programmkoordinator MSE BEP, Hochschule Luzern
  • Jens Gräf, Horváth & Partner
  • Maximilian Radlmair, Horváth & Partner
  • Nikolaos Vartzas, DATEV
  • Prof. Dr. Patrick Stein, IU Berlin
  • Christian Schieber, glomee


  • KI/GPT und Unternehmensstrategie
  • Fiktion. Lektion. Aktion. Traktion - Wie man in 12 Schritten KI-HeldIn wird
  • World-Café - Generative Künstliche Intelligenz (GenAI) und ihr Impact auf Finance & Controlling
  • Wie KI das Management Reporting revolutioniert
  • GenAI für automatisiertes Berichtswesen
  • Von Bytes zu Bedeutung: Hinter die Kulissen moderner KI geblickt
  • AI & Sustainability: Wie können wir die KI für Nachhaltigkeit nutzen?
  • Rethink Data Driven Decision - Warum wir völlig neue analytische Skills für das Controlling benötigen
  • Promptathon für Controlling & Finance
  • Wie generative AI unsere Zukunft formt
  • Künstliche Intelligenz in der wertorientierten Unternehmenssteuerung
  • KI im Recruiting - die zukünftigen Skills für ControllerInnen

Details und Anmeldung HIER

November 24, 9.30 - 16.55: Welcome to Upper Austria!

  • CIS Controlling Insights Steyr
  • On-site in the Museum Arbeitswelt Steyr
  • Language: German


  • In 2023, the established ICV Newcomer Award will be presented in Steyr for the first time
  • Controlling round table on sustainability controlling

Topics of the speeches:

  • Refocus, Restart: Rethinking the business model in times of inflation and supply chain disruptions
  • Convert the Top-Line - digital transformation of the business model in the old economy
  • Deutsche Bahn - the transformation of a giant
  • From strategy to performance management
  • Machine Forecasting in the financial planning process

Foto:  ©Hannes Ecker

Details and registration HERE