Education with a certificate

The ICV is a recognized provider for the promotion of vocational training, including student assistance. On request you will receive a certificate of participation.

Get the latest controlling know-how in Austria, Croatia, Switzerland and the Metaverse!

Come to our Autumn Conferences in 2024 and secure your know-how base and advantage for the coming year. The ICV supports you. It brings information, experience, tips and assistance on controlling and corporate management to your region. Decide now for your future in controlling by participating.

ICV Autumn Conferences 2024 at a glance

On-site / German / Switzerland

September 24: CTS Controlling Conference Switzerland
"A turning point in controlling: The transformation of the controlling organization"
Short description on this page
Event page

On-site / German / Austria

September 26: ICV Forum Health Care Austria
Controlling conference for anyone interested in health care issues
Short description on this page
Event page

Metaverse / German / online

November 12 to 14: Controlling Competence Spaces (online in the icvIspaces)
"AI in controlling - are you ready?"
Short description on this page
Event page

On-site / bilingual / Croatia

November 15: ICCC International Controlling Conference Croatia
Short description on this pagee
Event page

On-site / German / Austria

November 22: CIS Controlling Insights Steyr
"Business Performance through Controlling Excellence"
With presenting of the ICV Newcomer Award 2024
Short description on this page
Event page

ICV Autumn Conferences 2024: Program details

September 24, 9.10 to 16.30: Welcome to Rotkreuz!

  • CTS Controlling Conference Switzerland
  • On-site
  • Language: German

Details and registration HERE

  • Svenja Amrhein, Roche
  • Jörn Basel, Hochschule Luzern 
  • Marc Pouly, Hochschule Luzern
  • Basilius Scheidegger, Kanton Zürich
  • Herbert Stauffer, BARC Schweiz
  • Franz Steiger,  SBB AG
  • Werner Wohlwend, Gebr. KNIE AG
  • Moderation: Ulrich Egle, Hochschule Luzern
  • Artificial intelligence: developments, trends and use in Swiss companies
  • GenAI in finance & controlling
  • Acceptance and trust in the field of technological innovations
  • Human vs. machine - a performance report
  • AI as an enabler for the finance department of the future
  • From the decentralized to the more centralized controlling organization
  • Focus Sessions
  • Budget eats strategy for breakfast?

September 26, 8.45 to 17.30: Welcome to Vienna!

  • ICV Forum Health Care Austria
  • On-site
  • Language: German

Details and registration HERE

  • DI Herwig Wetzlinger, WIGEV Gen.Dir.Stv. + Kfm. Dir., AKH Wien
  • Dr. Michael Heinisch, Geschäftsführung, Vinzenz Gruppe
  • Mag.a Silvia Lechner, EMBA HSG, Geschäftsführerin, SALK
  • Mag.a Doris Guttmann, StbSt Innovationsmanagement, Vinzenz Gruppe
  • Harald Kapeller, MBA MBA, Betriebsdirektor, KAGES
  • Mag. (FH) Erich Gaggl, MA MA, KABEG, Klinikum Klagenfurt
  • Carsten Ohm | Prof. Guido Offermanns, KMS | Universität Klagenfurt
  • Mag.(FH) Ingo Mayr, BSc MSc, Premiqamed Group
  • Erich Wechselberger, MSc MAS, Organisations- und Geschäftsfeldentwicklung, SALK
  • Mag. Wolfgang Kaltenegger, CFO Emeis Central & Eastern Europe, Senecura und Senevita Kliniken und Gesundheitsbetriebe
  • Mag. Michael Eipeldauer, Eipeldauer-Consulting e.U.
  • Dr. Michael Ginner, KPMG
  • Johanna Horn, MBA, SOLVE Consulting
  • Digitization in health care: Digital before outpatient before inpatient? Future perspectives and strategic approaches (panel discussion)
  • Hello! In the development of Hallo Gesundheit
  • Strategic organizational development: Network merger using the example of the LKH Hochsteiermark
  • Workshop: Implementation of multi-project management in hospitals
  • Because understanding comes from understanding!
  • Aspects of data protection and data security in everyday hospital life
  • Workshop: Strategic resource and capacity planning through LKF-based data mining
  • Public Affairs: System partnerships in health care
  • Robotics in the administrative area - opportunities and possibilities

November 12 to 14, 13 p.m. to 17 p.m.: Welcome to the Metaverse!

  • CCS Controlling Competence Spaces
  • Online in the icvIspaces
  • Language: German
  • Come as an avatar!
  • For the first time, several days (3 afternoons)
  • Participation is possible on all or separate days
  • Session's topics: New Work & Analytical Skills (Agile & Change Management) / Business Intelligence & Analytics (Planning, Reporting & Decision Making) / Digital Trends & ESG (Strategy, Risk & Finance)

Details and registration HERE

  • Florian Ponnath, ehem. Leiter Digilab for Finance, Siemens Healthineers
  • Gina Heller-Herold, Gründerin, Risikomanagement- und Sustainability Expertin, beku Consult
  • Fabian Heidenstecker, Senior Manager für Solutions, Opitz Consulting
  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Seufert, Direktor des Business Innovation Labs, Hochschule Ludwigshafen
  • Tizian Weber, Experte im Umgang mit Qlik View und Qlik Sense
  • Theresa Rauh, Consultant, H&Z digital
  • Dr. Roland Deinzer, Leiter Unternehmensentwicklung, strategisches Controlling und Risikomanagement, Bundesagentur für Arbeit
  • Ramona Greiner, Digital Analytics & Data Ehtics Consultant, FELD M GmbH
  • Matthias Böck, Data Scientist, FELD M GmbH
  • Dr. Jan Witte, Gründer und Geschäftsführer, Blue Tree Consulting
  • Matthias Seiller, KI-Expert und Data Scientist, DATEV
  • Prof. Dr. Roland Zimmermann, Professor an der TU OHM Nürnberg
  • Patrick Link, Programmkoordinator MSE BEP, Hochschule Luzern
  • Jens Gräf, Horváth & Partner
  • Maximilian Radlmair, Horváth & Partner
  • Nikolaos Vartzas, DATEV
  • Prof. Dr. Patrick Stein, IU Berlin
  • Christian Schieber, glomee
  • AI/GPT and corporate strategy
  • Fiction. Lesson. Action. Traction - How to become an AI hero in 12 steps
  • World Café - Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) and its impact on finance & controlling
  • How AI is revolutionizing management reporting GenAI for automated reporting
  • GenAI for automated reporting
  • From bytes to meaning: A look behind the scenes of modern
  • AI AI & Sustainability: How can we use AI for sustainability?
  • Rethink Data Driven Decision - Why we need completely new analytical skills for controlling
  • Promptathon for Controlling & Finance
  • How is generative AI shaping our future
  • Artificial intelligence in value-oriented corporate management
  • AI in recruiting - the future skills for controllers

November 15: Join ICV Croatia in Zagreb!

  • "New Competencies for a Successful Transformation"
  • Your host is Jasmina Očko, a controlling consultant and trainer
  • On site
  • Language: Croatian and English with simultaneous translation

Details and registration HERE


Still to come. 

  • Transformation – what, how, where and when
  • Management model changes – where is management going
  • Management and controlling as ever stronger partners
  • How to develop the necessary knowledge in your organization
  • Human resources development strategy – who do we employ
  • How to link business and sustainability strategies
  • Changing business models – why this is the hardest
  • ESG – a topic for everyone, not just large organisations
  • IBCS in the service of agile decision-making

November 24, 9.30 a.m. to 4.55 p.m.: Welcome to Upper Austria!

  • CIS Controlling Insights Steyr
  • On-site
  • Language: German

Details and registration HERE


  • Univ.-Prof. MMag. Gabriel Felbermayr, PhD, WIFO
  • Prof. Dr. Walter Feichtinger, Präsident, Center für Strategische Analysen (CSA)
  • Sabrina Manschek, Head of Strategy & Portfolio Netztechnik, Aufsichtsratsvorsitzende Siemens Energy Österreich, Siemens Energy AG
  • Leila Gharani, Founder, XelPlus
  • Dr. Gerhard Wüest, Gründer und Senior Partner, Management Factory GmbH (Part of Valtus Group), Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender Fischer Ski
  • Michaela Dorfmeister, Doppel Olympiasiegerin
  • Key Note: Ways out of stagnation
  • World out of joint - where is Europe?
  • Lead or be led - actively shaping sustainability
  • How AI can transform your everyday tasks: Actionable tips for controllers
  • Successful restructuring - acting decisively in times of crisis
  • Four pillars of success - with passion, energy, strength and perseverance you can achieve anything!
  • Presenting of the ICV Newcomer Award