Welcome to the ICV Forum Health Care Austria on September 26, 2024 in Vienna (LANGUAGE: GERMAN)

About the Conference

The Sector Work Group Health Care Austria as an organizer, spreads the topic of controlling within the Austrian health care system for the ICV, discusses it on a theoretical and, above all, practical level and thus contributes to further development. The primary purpose is to create transparency and objectivity and to create the basis for successful corporate management. The annual ICV Health Care Forum Austria is intended to promote an informative exchange between controllers and general networking between controllers and other management functions.

The 23rd event of this kind takes place again this year in the innovative Floridsdorf Clinic, which is probably one of the most modern hospitals in Europe. We look forward to welcoming you. Only your active participation and support makes our work possible, so we count on your numerous participation.



The ICV Health Care Forum 2024: Agenda

Venue: Vienna, Klinik Floridsdorf


and registration

DDr. Dietmar Ranftler
Head of the ICV Sector Work Group Health Care Austria

DI Herwig Wetzlinger
WIGEV Gen.Dir.Stv. + Kfm. Dir.
AKH Wien

Dr. Michael Heinisch
Managing director
Vinzenz Gruppe

Mag.a Dr.in Silvia Lechner, EMBA HSG
Managing director


Mag.a Doris Guttmann
StbSt Innovationsmanagement
Vinzenz Gruppe


Time for networking

Stream A (SR 5+6 - Zeus & Hera)

Moderation: Erika Ortlieb, MBA
stv. VD & Leiterin Controlling
BKH Kufstein

Communicating the need for controlling to doctors and nursing staff using a haptic business simulation.

Carsten Ohm | Prof. Guido Offermanns
KMS | Universität Klagenfurt

Stream B (SR3 - Paris)

Moderation: Mag. Stefan Stoiber
Univ. Klinikum St. Pölten


Stream A (SR 5+6 - Zeus & Hera)

Moderation: Mag. Michael Schwob
Klinik Donaustadt, Vice VD & Head of Finance Department

Stream B (SR3 - Paris)

Moderation: DI Jürgen Tiefenbacher
T&S-Consulting KG Unternehmensberatung

Erich Wechselberger, MSc MAS
Organizational and business development


Time for networking

Moderation: DI Mag. Dr. Johannes Painold
LKH Univ. Klinikum Graz
Head of Finance and Patient Management

Summary and closing words.

We look forward to seeing you again at the Austrian Health Care Forum 2025 in Vienna!

Prospects for success from industry, politics and administration.

Mag. Michael Eipeldauer
Eipeldauer-Consulting e.U.


Conference venue

Klinik Floridsdorf
Event center
Brünnerstraße 68
A-1210 Vienna
To the homepage


How to get here

S-Bahn: 3 und 4 – Brünner Straße station
Tram: 30 und 31 – Brünner Straße station
Bus: 36A, 36B, 228, 420, 426, 431, 1016, 1018 and 7552 – Brünner Straße station
Night bus: N31 – Brünner Straße station

Parking at the Floridsdorf Clinic

Paid parking spaces are available for visitors on the hospital premises. Any parking fees incurred must be paid at the pay machines before leaving and are not included in the conference price.

WARM-UP on the evening before the conference

On the evening before the event, on 25.09.2024 at 7 P.M., a WARM-UP will take place in the heart of Vienna. You have the opportunity to get to know working group members, speakers and organizers personally. The costs of the catering for the WARM-UP are not included in the conference price. We will send you details after your registration.

Conference fees

  • Participation fee reduced: 280 euros plus 20% VAT
    for members of ICV or OCI as well as on the basis of special agreements.
  • Regular participation fee: 380 euros plus 20% VAT.
    Do you want to save on the participation fee? Become a member.
    To the overview of the ICV memberships.
  • Participation fee for students: 60 euros plus 20% VAT. (Full-time, max. 30 years old) 


Cancellation fees


  • until 01.08.2024 free of charge
  • until 15.09.2024 50% of the tariff price
  • since 16.09.2024 100% of the tariff price (substitute participant possible)


Egenda flyer (German)

Questions about the event

Please contact
Daniela Ranftler
Tel. +43680 2135376
e-mail: daniela{bei}ranftler.co.at


Questions about the ICV Sector Work Group Health Care Austria

Mag. DDr. Dietmar Ranftler
c/o KABEG-Management
Krassniggstraße 15
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Tel.: +43 664 1630749
e-mail: dietmar.ranftler@kabeg.at

The Health Care Forum 2024 takes place with the kind support of: