Solve the 5 biggest challenges currently facing CFOs in one fell swoop: Digital controlling tools as enablers

In the ICV Live Webinar you will learn what agile, data-driven controlling can look like in implementation, including in use in various software technologies, because:

The five biggest challenges for CFOs in 2024 are, according to a 2024 CFO study by Horváth

  1. Data usage (86%)
  2. Sustainability management (82%)
  3. Cyber ​​risks (82%)
  4. Regulatory & compliance requirements (76%)
  5. Lack of qualified specialists (72%)

“Digital transformation” is the answer to these challenges. The ICV Live Webinar will show how suitable controlling tools can solve several problems at once.

It's about

  • improved data quality
  • targeted addressing of information
  • coverage of compliance issues and regulatory requirements (e.g. for EU taxonomy, CSRD)
  • relief for employees in times of a shortage of skilled workers

Cordial invitation!


Alexander Hein

Pascal Speicher
Area Manager Deutschland