Albrecht Deyhle, founder of the ICV
Grew up in Tuebingen. Gained his university entrance qualification at the College of Commerce in Stuttgart. Studied Business Administration at the Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich. Gained his doctoral degree to become Dr. rer. pol. at the Eberhard Karls University in Tuebingen in 1961.
His professional career
- Organises and supports seminars at the German Institute for Business Administration (DIB).
- Consultant with focus on cost planning and the introduction of marginal costing.
- Member of the Executive Board of the DIB.
- Managing Director of the Institute for Internal Auditing.
- Editor in Chief for the publishing house ‘Moderne Industrie’.
- 1969 launch of his entrepreneurial career.
The dual talent
A charismatic speaker, an excellent writer! Books: 1967 “Gewinn-Management”, 1971 “Controller-Praxis”. In 1975, he launched the “Controller Magazin” which is now the specialist Controlling magazine with the highest circulation in the region of Germany, Austria and Switzerland.