On the way to the Data-Driven Company. Interview with Pierre Schalbe - Member of the Management Administration International at Lidl
Prof. Dr. Andreas Seufert, Head of the ICV expert work group BI / Big Data and Controlling and, as such, the initiator and driver of the ICV Digitization Offensive, asks Pierre Schalbe, Member of the Management Administration International at Lidl, on the following topics:
- Short Portrait Pierre Schalbe
- Organization and task of controlling at Lidl
- Demarcation between departmental controlling and the central areas
- Relationship between Lidl International and the national companies, controlling related
- Challenges of digitization for Lidl and the derivations thereof for corporate management and controlling
- About the project Lidl Insights
- Methodical competence and building a community for it
- Lidl as a member of the expert work group BI / Big Data and Controlling