Monday, 20.03.2017 |
for the first time the big 42nd Controller Congress in Munich on May 15/16 will be translated into English. The annual controlling hinghlight in Munich wellcomes also experts from non German speaking countries! The Congress headline: “Agile controlling in digital reality: Managing upheavals successfully”.
The "Digital Transformation" is not a natural catastrophe that comes upon us. Not robots, people make it! We are in the middle of it, we are the actors. We share responsibility for setting the course in our companies. How can it be tackled successfully? We'll show it at our 42nd Controller Congress. Among the speakers representatives of Deutsche Bahn, Zalando SE, BMW Motoren GmbH, BLANCO Group, Leica Camera AG and ICV experts.
If you’re not registered yet – don’t hesitate! This year we have some new offers for you: speeches in plenum on Monday and Tuesday morning are translated live into English, Cluster A (Monday afternoon) is held in English, Cluster B (Monday afternoon) is simultaneously translated into English. For Young Professionals there is a Speed Coaching (Monday afternoon): 30 minutes of professional advisory in one business matter.
See you in Munich!
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Our recommendations
International ICV Conference Warzaw, March 31st
Congress of Controllers (English translation), Munich, May, 15/16
For Young Professionals: ICV Controlling Barcamp, Berlin, June, 24th
International Controller Association |
11th International Controller Conference in Warzaw |
European controlling experts agree that advanced analytical skills are the key and the most desirable controller skills in the coming years. The ICV Coference will be focused on ADVANCED ANALYTICS subject. The international congress “CONTROLLING, THE SOURCE OF RIGHT DECISIONS. CREDIBLE PLANS – TRANSPARENT REPORTS – EFFICIENT ANALYSIS” takes place on March 31 in Warsaw, Poland. Keynote speaker: Siegfried Gänßlen, Chairman of the Board of the ICV. More ICV speakers: dr Herwig Friedag, Head of International Work Group of ICV; dr Walter Schmidt, ICV Board Advisor; Valentin Usenkov, ICV member, Head of "Club of Controllers Kaliningard".
As always, all speeches are translated into English so that ICV members from all member countries could participate – for ICV members also special prices. You can take part at the event for EUR 250,00!
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Prof. Péter Horváth celebrated his 80th birthday |
Controlling pioneer Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Mult. Péter Horváth, entrepreneur and university lecturer, honorary member of the International Association of Controllers (ICV) celebrated his 80th birthday in February. Péter Horváth is a long-standing committed member of the International Association of Controllers, for a few years he also led the ICV Dream Factory. Prof. Horváth enjoys high prestige in the international controlling community. In 2013 Horváth was honored as an honorary member at the ICV.
Horváth & Partners has just published a biographical video to honor Prof. Horváth.
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First meeting of the controlling work group in Moscow |
On February 21 the first meeting of the controlling work group WG Moscow, initiated jointly by the German-Russian Chambers of Commerce Abroad and the International Controller Association (ICV), took place in Moscow this morning. Among 40 participants were controlling practitioners mainly from Russian subsidiaries of German-speaking companies.
The new Moscow work group is headed by Hermann Wies (Robert Bosch OOO) and Dr. Georg Schneider (swilar GmbH). As contact people at the ICV, the participants of the first WG meeting confirmed Dr. Georg Schneider, Managing Director of the ICV corporate member swilar GmbH. The next meeting of the Russian-speaking AK Moscow takes place on April 28.
Info & Contact ICV work group Moscow
More about the meeting [German]
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1st ICV Controlling Barcamp, June 24th in Berlin |
The ICV Controlling Barcamp 2017 is a new event format of the International Association of Controllers especially for young professionals, study graduates and controlling newcomers. The event is organized in cooperation with the CA controller academy and the Commerzbank's InnovationHub #openspace, supported by sponsors and committed members of the ICV community. Under the motto "Young Controllers in Times of Digitalization", we are looking for stimulating speeches on following subject areas: controlling & digitalization; controlling careers in the age of digitalization: controller as data scientist, data analyst, etc.; controller competence models; controlling in startups; first-hand competence from the ICV expert work groups. The event takes place on June 24, 2017 in Berlin. Join us!
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Train how to communicate in the management process... |
...in order to achieve successful corporate management. If help is needed in this field stage 3 of CA Controller Akademie is the course you are looking for. As for managers and controllers to interact well in a team, reporting must be more than merely sending reports. In this seminar you will supplement your controlling tools with skills such as strategy development using a balanced scorecard, ratios for process optimization, project controlling and creating professional business charts and tables.
Some places are still available in the April course: 24th to 28th 2017. KLICK HERE for more information.
Only 11 Percent of Global Companies Report They Are Prepared to Build the Organization of the Future |
Driven by the ongoing digital revolution and demographic, political, and social forces, almost 90 percent of HR and business leaders rate building the organization of the future as their highest priority. In its 2017 Global Human Capital Trends report, “Rewriting the rules for the digital age”, by Deloitte. Josh Bersin, principal and founder, Bersin by Deloitte, Deloitte Consulting LLP: “Ultimately, the digital world of work has changed the rules of business. Organizations should shift their entire mind-set and behaviors to ensure they can lead, organize, motivate, manage and engage the 21st century workforce, or risk being left behind.”
"European banks can’t be happy about 2016" |
It was a difficult time for the European banking industry. As the Deutsche Bank Report says, revenues declined across the board. It led to cost and net income decreases by almost 50%. Banks tried to stay safe – and it led to stagnation for they resorted to aggressive de-risking. Lending to companies was slightly positive, and loans to households were up 2% in the Euro area. Interest margins, however, contracted by about 7% due to the further fall in the overall rates level. In total, this led to a significant drop in net interest income of 5%. On the contrary, the banks in the United States had nothing to worry about: they continued to grow as well as established a new record in terms of nominal profits, widening the gap between the American and European banking sector.
Chinese investors to increase their involvement in the European market |
Political uncertainty is moderately dampening sentiment in the private equity (PE) sector in 2017: only about half of companies expect a growing number of M&A transactions with a PE background – as compared to almost two thirds in 2016. They forecast the bulk of PE activity in Spain, Portugal and Germany, with the outlook weakest for the UK and Greece. The top issue for 2017 is likely to be the rise in competition from Chinese investors, who are most interested in M&A deals in the capital goods and technology sectors as well as in the automotive industry. These are some of the findings of this year's European Private Equity Outlook for which Roland Berger once again polled the opinions of private equity investors from across Europe.
Current topics and dates from the ICV |
The schedule of topics and upcoming dates of controlling conferences and controller's meetings can be found online on the ICV website.
All upcoming ICV EVENTS
Published by:
International Association of Controllers Münchner Str. 8, D-82237 Wörthsee, in cooperation with the Controller Akademie AG and the Verlag für ControllingWissen AG.
Edited by:
Anna Wlodarczyk, ICV Poland, Poznan;
Responsible editor: Hans-Peter Sander, EastWestCom, Ammersee Denkerhaus - Coworking Space, Sonnenstr. 1, D-86911 Diessen/Ammersee
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