Monday - July, 4th |
Every controller who is proud of their controlling project can already compete in the 2017 edition of the ICV Controller Award. The Controller Award of the International Association of Controllers rewarded with € 5000 will be presented at the 42nd Controller Congress on May 15-16, 2017 in Munich. The selection of the best controlling solution is based on the controller’s mission statement defined by the International Group of Controlling (IGC). An exemplary controlling solution has to meet the following criteria: it contributes to a significant change which has been tested in practice; this change affects not only the controlling department, but contributes to the success of the whole company; the change has been developed by controllers in-house and represents an innovation. To take part in the competition you must complete a questionnaire with some detailed information about the
Complete with your exemplary controlling solution here!
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"Volatile times for sustainability issues" |
In the corporate management the topic of sustainability has matured in the last years. Controlling is strongly involved in introducing social and ecologic company’s goals. Controllers are challenged to present themselves as experts in front of the management. Therefore, controlling should network with other departments that also focus on sustainability issues. It’s the conclusion of the Green Controlling Study 2016 of the International Association of Controllers (ICV).
With the Green Controlling Study 2016 – an English version is now available – the current position of Green Controlling was levied. On focus were especially the changes since the 2010 study concerning the implementation level and the relevance of the green controlling. For the first time the management of social issues was considered.
Controlling in the time of virtual industry revolution |
The jubilee 10th International Controller Congress is behind us. In Narvil hotel in Serock near Warsaw finance and controlling practitioners met to exchange experiences, get to know what they can’t miss in controlling development, discuss changes and chances that await controlling soon. Touching in the topic on changes both – in controlling teams as well as in human capital departments in enterprises, we looked closer at the new generation Y who will constitute 75% of all economically active in the next decade. Building commitment which is one of the main controlling tasks, will change with the generation change what makes a great challenge for modern controlling. Flexible working model requires a new controlling approach to set goals, monitor the execution of the work and to trust.
More about the congress
ICV in Poland
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Become a sponsor of the Controller Award 2017! |
If you don’t want to or cannot compete for the ICV Controller Award 2017, you can become its sponsor. You will then have your logo published on all Controller Award marketing materials: it includes an advertisement in the print publications FINANCE, Treasurer and Controller-Magazin, in online media like "Controller's e-News", ICV website and blog as well as specific area on the homepage of the partners as Horváth & Partners and EBS-University and of course on the agenda of the 41st Controller Congress 2017. If you have questions, please contact the ICV Office.
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International work group meets in Zielona Góra |
The ICV International Work Group met on June 2 in Zielona Góra, Poland at LUG - company producing light systems and exporting these really very innovative products all over the world. A group of 11 managers including three family members welcomed the ICV work group and guided them into the show room as well as to the production hall. They also visited the new factory some kilometers away where the R&D-department develops new light products. The LUG-managers as well as the ICV members started to work on four subjects: Integration of customers’ needs; Market design for 2020; Motivational system for the employees; New organization with better information structure/ controlling. The international work group, consisting of 16 contro
llers and consultants, all members of the ICV meets every year to work for a “target company”. (More)
Controlling helps marketing and communication managers on their way for success |
With the publication "Communication Controlling - Starter Kit for Designing and Implementing a Controlling System for Corporate Communication" the International Association of Controllers (ICV) has published [in German so far] a compact instruction for communication managers and controllers. "This is a real novelty: Controlling helps marketing and communication managers on their way for success”, explains ICV Chairman Siegfried Gänßlen. The Starter Kit published by Haufe Verlag is a collaborative effort of the ICV expert work group Communication Controlling. The authors, Mark-Steffen Buchele, Rainer Pollmann and Walter Schmidt structured and brought together the results. On 80 pages the publication offers practical guidance, ob
jectives, organization and tools to develop and implement the communications controlling.
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Euro area systemic stress contained despite bouts of global financial market turbulence |
The euro area financial system was able to absorb the strong turmoil around the turn of the year according to the latest Financial Stability Review of the European Central Bank (ECB). Bank, financial and sovereign stress all stood at low levels in early May. Notwithstanding this resilience, looking ahead the Review sees the risk of further financial stress, possibly triggered by vulnerabilities stemming from emerging markets and low commodity prices. Euro area financial institutions have made steady progress in strengthening their balance sheets and building up their resilience to adverse shocks in recent years. Despite this progress, both cyclical and structural challenges remain. Cyclical challenges relate to the subdued economic recovery, while structural challenges relate to high operating costs and
a large stock of non-performing loans. In particular, high unresolved stocks of non-performing exposures in some countries are dampening banks’ lending capacity and their profitability.
Economic impact of robotic solutions in logistics |
The robotization of logistics will lead to the disappearance of several hundred thousand unskilled jobs over the next ten years. Unless preparations are made for the transition, up to 1.5 million jobs in the Eurozone will be lost. The most heavily affected sectors will be commerce and the manufacturing industry and their logistics service providers. These are some of the major findings of the new Roland Berger study "Of Robots and Men – in logistics: Towards a confident vision of logistics in 2025". "While a decision in favor of robotization seems inevitable from a microeconomic point of view, its macroeconomic significance is uncertain. The offsetting of the lost jobs through increased added value or exports is not as evident as it has been in other industries such as manufacturing," commented Mehdi El
Alami, Principal at Roland Berger.
Three scenarios of change for central banking in 2020 |
As central banks are trying to keep pace with the complexity of the rapidly evolving financial services market, they are scanning a new and uncertain landscape. In their new paper Central banking 2020: Ahead of the curve, PwC’s Central Bank Group explores how central banks can keep up with the rapid transformation in societies, economies and communications and the systemic risks this generates. Given the regulatory reform that is still sweeping through the banking sector, it is tempting to see regulation as the key determinant of the industry’s future shape. However, there are much more fundamental forces at work than regulation, ranging from the significant shifts in technology, change in public expectations, and the migration of ‘banking’ activities beyond the traditional banking sector. In PwC’s vie
w, it is these wider shifts that will ultimately dictate both how the banking sector as a whole will reform, and also what the role and shape of banking regulation will need to be. Building on this observation, PwC’s Central Bank Group has formulated three hypotheses and the implications for central banks.
And the book winners are... |
Since April 2016 there is an English pocket guide "Balanced Scorecard – The European Approach", written by Herwig R. Friedag and Walter Schmidt, available. In their book Friedag & Schmidt tell a story about a German non-profit-organisation and show step by step how to find a way to a common and sustainable future. Readers will be able to understand what a Balanced Scorecard is, its advantages, and how a strategy is developed and implemented – be it in a business company or in any other organisation. (More)
The "International Controller's e-News" raffled off 3 books. The winners are: Jorge Arroyo Bono, Zaragoza/SPAIN; Luiza Arcab, Warsaw/POLAND; Barış TİMUR, İstanbul/TURKEY.
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Current topics and dates from the ICV |
The schedule of topics and upcoming dates of controlling conferences and controller's meetings can be found online on the ICV website.
All upcoming ICV EVENTS
Published by:
International Controller Association Münchner Str. 8, D-82237 Wörthsee, in cooperation with the Controller Akademie AG and the Verlag für ControllingWissen AG.
Edited by:
Anna Wlodarczyk, ICV Poland, Poznan;
Responsible editor: Hans-Peter Sander, EastWestCom, Ammersee Denkerhaus - Coworking Space, Sonnenstr.1, D-86911 Diessen/Ammersee
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