Subscribers: 8.762 |
Friday, 28.08.2015 |
Do you use the last weeks of summer? Some E-News readers are waiting for their vacation and planning travels into the unknown. Some are already after their holidays and with much energy they started work again. For all we have an offer to participate in our autumn events: 9 controlling conferences in 5 countries, some of them in English! From Baltic Sea to Adriatic the work groups organize 1-day events in your neighborhood, with top topics and practitioners as speakers. Come & join our community!
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Your company’s logo placed on the advertisements |
Wouldn’t it be great if your company’s logo was placed on all marketing materials of the International Controller Award 2016? Advertisements in print media FINANCE, Treasurer and German Controller-Magazin, in the Controller’s e-News, the ICV Homepage (internet media with link to the company’s homepage), as well as in the special areas of the homepages of our partners: Horváth & Partners and EBS-University and of course in the agenda of the 41st Controller Congress 2016. The logo will be also present at the Congress during awarding the best solution. The ICV will print the sponsor’s logo also on the postcards distributed at the events and seminars of CA Akademie AG. Advertising for Controller Award 2016 starts in September 2016. The sponsors cover the costs as well as the award (5 000 EUR).
More about the International Controller Award:
Contact: ICV office
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Forth issue of the Serbian Controlling magazine |
The ICV Serbia presents the forth issue of Controlling Magazine. It is intended for the professionals in controlling and finance. The magazine comes as a luxurious edition, issued four times a year and directly distributed. The forth issue publishes a lot of interesting topics. Main topic is “Budgeting”. Authors described how the budgeting process looks like in their companies. One of the events that deserves special attention is 3rd ICV Congress of Controllers. The Congress was held on May 21st, 2015. 350 controllers and CFOs attended this event. You can get more information in the special article.
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New publication by the Dream Factory |
The Dream Factory (“Ideenwerkstatt”), expert work group in the ICV, always strives to tackle the most relevant and innovative topics that provide new food for thought for the controlling community. After scrutinizing the topics of Green Controlling, Behavioral Orientation, Volatility and Big Data in recent years, we wish to carry on making controllers aware of new developments and thus provide new stimuli for the ongoing development of controlling. This year the Dream Factory team decided to select "Industrie 4.0" as the main topic as its importance for industrial manufacturing has increased tremendously during the last couple of months. The term stands for the intelligent networking of products and processes along the value chain. For many experts, this development will bring about fundamental changes
in corporate management, and this will inevitably have a significant impact upon controlling. Hence, the goal of this year’s Dream Car report is to show you what is meant by Industrie 4.0, what opportunities and risks it offers, and what consequences it will have for the controller.
The full publication (56 pages) to download (in ENG)
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Relocation should be finished soon |
Since its launch in April our website www.icv-controlling.com is in a "test phase" until the end of the year. The expansion of the homepage and elimination of errors are lasting. ICV work groups, who have not yet filled their new WG sites prepared in the new system are asked to do this now. The relocation of all WG sites should be finished until the International Work Group Leaders Meeting on November 28. For assistance, tutorials are available in the system. Please use them and learn while doing the handling of our new system!
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Controller’s Qualification and Training Program |
The CA controller akademie also offers the 5-stage training program leading to a diploma in English designed equivalent to the original german diploma program. This is especially useful for companies which main language is not German, or for staff working in subsidiaries where German is not the native language. The 5-stage program gives international companies an opportunity to implement a shared understanding of controlling issues on a global basis.
Stage I – Controlling and the Controller – is the first step to comprehensive controller knowledge. Participants attain an overview of the most important components of controlling as well as about the design and the interplay of the most important controlling tools. You also learn how to integrate and apply these instruments in your daily business practice. It is designed for specialists in the field of Accounting and Corporate Planning, as well as for managers with various areas of responsibility who are involved in controlling. After this seminar, the attendees know how to implement and practise the following topics: • Controlling as Management Process; • Concept and Implementation of a Modern Management Accounting; • Corporate Planning, Budgeting, Variance Analysis and Forecasting; • Performance Measurement and Management; • Trends in Controlling.
The next seminar stage I to start with will take place October 19 to 23, 2015 in Feldafing at Lake Starnberg near Munich.
Contact: Martina Wiegand, phone: +49 - (0)8153 / 88 974-0
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Operation Big Data: Challenge accepted |
Big data is a hot topic. The large digital platform operators in particular have long recognized the economic potential of algorithm-based data analysis. They demonstrate this to billions of customers professionally every day. With their analytical technologies they generate high revenues and tie us loyal customers ever more firmly to their platforms via convenient and, above all, individualized services. A steadily growing number of companies want to imitate this lucrative lock-in effect so they can also capitalize on the benefits of big data. Nonetheless, in many sectors the implementation of modern data analysis tools is proceeding only sluggishly. Contrary to the expectations of some market participants, big data is not a simple add-on.
In our data industry we are not the miner but rather part of the mine! |
As one possible way of reacting to the loss of our data sovereignty, efforts should be taken to launch education campaigns without delay (ideally on an international basis). This can help to establish greater internet and media expertise among the population at large in the medium to long run. Furthermore, an international legal framework would be desirable in order to regulate the use of data and algorithm-based technologies as well as limiting lax data-collection practices.
CFO Global Business Outlook Survey |
Tilburg University, Duke University and editors of CFO Publishing invite controllers and managers to participate in the quarterly CFO Global Business Outlook Survey, the definitive global barometer of finance executives’ economic and business optimism. The organizers have polled CFOs and other financial leaders for more than 75 consecutive quarters. This survey is completely anonymous. Central banks around the world study the information that you provide, and the results of the studies also regularly appear in the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, and many other outlets. The results will be published in an upcoming issue of CFO magazine in the U.S., on CFO.com, and on CFOsurvey.org, which is accessible to readers worldwide. As a participant, you have the opportunity to obtain the survey an
alysis before the public release of the results. To access the questionnaire (in English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, or Dutch), please click here !
70% responders with raising pages in 2014 |
Results from the IMA (Institute of Management Accountants) Global Salary Survey reveal that, in 2014, median total compensation for management accounting and finance professionals in the U.S. increased to $113,000 from $105,500 in the prior year – an increase of 7.1 percent. Globally, the data collected from IMA members in 81 countries indicate a median total compensation of $66,000. Approximately 70 percent of survey respondents reported a pay raise following the 2013 Salary Survey. As economic outlook continues to strengthen, the prospects for future raises also appear bright, with more than three-quarters of survey respondents anticipating a raise in the coming year.
Download the full report!
Here are the winners of the book! |
Our last issue startet a raffle to win the English book “Controlling – A critical success factor in a globalized world”, written by ICV member Prof. Dr. Olaf B. Mäder, Professor of Controlling at Reutlingen University and Visiting Professor of Accounting and Controlling at the University of Friedrichshafen.
To take part in our raffle, our readers had to send us an e-mail with only one sentence, why do they read the “International Controller’s e-News”. – The lucky winners are: Klaus Drechsler (Germany), David Lyngstad (Norway), Harald Sulzmann (USA).
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Current topics and dates from the ICV |
The schedule of topics and upcoming dates of controlling conferences and controller's meetings can be found online on the ICV website.
To the schedule:
Published by:
International Controller Association Münchner Str. 8, D-82237 Wörthsee, in cooperation with the Controller Akademie AG and the Verlag für ControllingWissen AG.
Edited by:
Anna Wlodarczyk, ICV Poland, Poznan;
Responsible editor: Hans-Peter Sander, EastWestCom, Lachen-Birkenallee 16, D-86911 Diessen/Ammersee
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